
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Physical faith

We take the first step. Give your life to Christ . But there is always a need for more. There are levels to our relationship with God. Just like any relationship sometimes we have to physically show our love. I was talking with my husband today, I told him you tell me you love me everyday , but how do I feel the love? I explained to him he says it and I am trusting that he does. But when you say the words I do not feel it. I hear it then my memory searches for the times you showed me physically . Then I remember what love feels like and it was from you. But the love was first  physically felt . When my husband and I met we had to walk to each other, we had to talk, he went out of his way to get my attention. He sacrificed his time , his money , sleep, he thought of me first I was always on his mind. What could he do ,when could he see me , we physically had to spend time together to get to know each other. I wanted to buy him candy or a card and write something in it. So he knew I was thinking of him. God sent His son , Jesus was physically here. Jesus physically suffered died on a cross for us. God physically showed His love for us. We can physically show Him love too. Testify, fast, serve, babtized, tithes, worship, pray, . These are things that we can physically do to go out of our way to show God we love Him. Just like with my husband , when he called me, brought me flowers etc. he showed me he cared. He wanted my attention . He wanted our relationship to move forward together, to grow. We should never stop wooing God, we don't have to, we grow closer by telling and physically showing Him. He led by example, He gave us life, he physically heals us. To give is a physical action. He gives us everything. It's better to give than receive. Who knows that better than God? When I started physically expressing my faith my faith grew quickly, there is always a need for more until we r with Him, but as long as were are waiting we can grow closer and closer and closer.being obiedent to all He says is the best way to physically show Him your love.

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