
Saturday, September 6, 2014

Prepared= this is the life!!!!:)

John 14:2-3 In my Fathers house are many mansions, if it were not so , I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. Do u know when you meet someone your interested in then you flirt , turns into dating , engaged, married , children, new job , iron out wrinkles of the relationship . If your  strong enough you withstand the test of time and  then your insink  you  respect and love your spouce because they made the journey alongside of you .and helped you . Just like that there are levels in our relationship with God. You are interested so you start going to church or bible study , you give your life to Christ , you make a commitment to get to know who you gave your heart to, you begin a journey toward Him . Along the way  in our struggles we learn He is always there , we may stray for Him but He is always there. When you allow yourself to realize He never leaves you ups and downs He goes with you. Think about Daniel  in the lions  He didn't pull Daniel out . He went too . In our struggles  when we stay focused on Him and preserver toward Him  we build our confidence in Him. We can look back and remember how He helped us through. We build respect for Him  and  realizeHe is a man of His word. We become completely in love with Him . No relationship on earth can compare . Every relationship on earth  you have days  you feel they don't understand , you feel you don't fit in , your a black sheep , etc. He allows  us to feel that so we realize you fit in with Him perfectly. Psalms 37:4 delight yourself in The Lord ; and  He will give you your hearts desire . What ever desire that is . Father, brother, councelor, son, teacher , preacher etc. when you delight in that . First , your free, free to love  without a need for it always returned , because He does. You delight in this freedom and peace . Your heart is changed. You continue your journey, you see things different, for how they  are  . Your perseption has changed. Back to Daniel , the lions first appeared to be frightning what about David , the giant appears huge. Ask god to help you  with a clear mind . He changes your perception ,. The lions  are hungry,  the want feed. They know you may not have  a steak but they know your full and you know where to get one. Back to David , the giant looks huge to you and everyone around . But you remember , you have been using  your slingshot for along time and your a good shot now. That's peace of mind. Your mind is on Him , with Him . We can ask God because we have a right to a clear mind to help us . Continue on your journey toward God, you realize it's not about you it's about others . How can you give God back all he gave you? Ask , seek , knock. This is the knock part. Actions Speek louder than words. You can preach and preach the gospel every day to all , but this is when you realize you have  to do what God has taught you , just like David. God showed Daniel . Daniel did not fight back or fight to get out , God did not kill the lions or banish them . Daniel trusted God and God shut there mouths. God fed them. There are many hungry people in the world hungry for positivity and negativity . What do you want to feed them? All people respond better to a smile than a word. People respond better to help getting the right answer than telling them what to do. Don't handicap people , don't cheat them out of the journey just help them get interested. We as Daniel may have the steak but we don't make steaks. Give a man a fish he eat for a day teach a man to fish he eats for a lifetime. Think about it , it never said we make fish . If we give a man a fish over and over eventually we both run out and are both hungry. Back to john 14 . I go and prepare a place for you. First Matthew  6:10 your kingdom come your will be done , on  EARTH as it is in HEAVEN . If you do on earth as it is to be in heaven . On earth you can have the place he prepared for you. Back to knock and the door will be open unto you. If we do on earth Gods will , he not only opens a door for you to do so but goes before you and after, gives you solid ground to stand on , supply our every need, grace, He promised His people will not be over taken , victory over death , all Gods promises. Genesis 1:1 God creAted the heaven and earth in same day  He created them before Jesus spoke john 14 . God created heaven first before earth that's how much He loves us. He created a place for us to be with Him for all eternity before He created us or sent Jesus. Back to john 14 I go and prepare a place for you. God created heaven already , but when Jesus died for us when to heaven then back here to give us a gift that will be with us always the Holy Spirit, remember God judges us by our heart not the way we judge others . His way is helpful, when you ask God judge my heart , please, correct what is wrong make me pure for you. He does , the place Jesus prepared for us is a way to wAlk in the spirit. Galatians 5:16 . So I say, walk by the spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. Have you ever moved in a new house and after you find it buy it pack up old stuff move it unpack and eventually you feel it's not a house it's a home . I love it here. That's how it feels to me it may take time to find the house may be hard to afford the house may be crazy packing unpacking it's fun decoration with new stuff  but in the end it's your and you love it there. Until I get to heaven this home will do . That's how I feel, But first I  need to Romans 12 1-2  the aim of the Romans is that all of life would become " spiritual worship" present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and exceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. My aim is to in GODS eyes show that Jesus life was made worth it. I remember the day my son was born , hours and hours of hard labor, in the end I actually had the pleasure of pulling him out myself and held him and said to him, " we did it buddy" I felt amazing but that feeling went away it only last a min and the nurse took him. I say this feeling was better than the day Hunter was born because it last . God allowed me to feel that and I have craved that feeling all my life till then and after but it was temporary , this feeling is fixed in my heart forever. That's were we will start tom. God bless your journey:)

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful! I especially love that God created heaven first. I had never thought of it that way before,
