
Thursday, November 20, 2014

I wont become a pillar of salt......

Genesis 19 talks about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.   Abraham's nephew Lot, his wife and daughters  fled the burning cities with one rule  to follow.......
Get out quickly and don't look back.
Imagine for a moment that God told you to take your spouse and children and leave the area quickly and don't look back.Its hard to imagine huh.
Imagine this then, how many times have you done something because its the right thing to do but its not something you want to do?
Have you ever been told by a doctor you need to loose weight or quit smoking and you go home and try to do it because you have to to get healthy but really in your heart you love eating doughnuts in the evening while watching t.v. If you don't really want to loose weight ,what eventually happens? God knows when you really want something and when you really don''t. When you really want something bad, you ask God for help.When you don't ,your unhappy and you start to miss your old ways.
In Genesis Lots wife was unhappy ,we are all unhappy when we are not in line with Gods will.The same place that made her so unhappy was the same place she wanted more than God. Probably because she could see ,hear,feel, taste etc what was not good for her and she couldn't see God or the place He had prepared for her.
We all have strongholds on our life, I can tell you how many God has helped me overcome and placed behind me and I don't look back. Because each one was hard , I mean they are called strongholds for a reason.They are stronghold on your life. With each one I could not see imagine a life without them, I couldn't see what God had planned for my life without them, but  unlike Lots wife, I wanted the freedom .
We all have strongholds in our life that can either bring freedom or destruction, I just thought I would share how I came to know the freedom in Jesus Christ.

While sitting in my car waiting for Olivia to get out of practice, I asked God to clean me.I told him I wanted Him to clean house with me and start with the skeletons in my closet.I asked Him to magnify to me what I needed to let go of to grow closer to Him.
I love God so much,I wanted to be clean and pure for Him.At that time I didn't care about what I would have to let go of I just wanted to please Him.From that day God revealed one thing at a time to me. Some stronghold took a lot longer for me to let go of than others, and with each one I found a part of me didn't want to let go, a part of me looked back and loved what I had to let go. But remember what I said before, if you really want something God knows because you ask Him for help.That makes all the difference. God knew with each stronghold I wanted Him more, so during my weakness I relied fully on His strength.Turns out, that's exactly what he wanted.
When you ask God for help , you are giving Him what you are dependent on in this world and becoming dependent on Him ,and that is freedom.Being 100%dependent on God is freedom from a world of stronghold.
Lots wife remained in the stronghold because she didn't know God for herself, after all how do you even know they are strongholds on your life if You don't go to God and Ask.
Its not hard to ask God to show you what separates you from Him, and it is not hard for Him to show you, remember God said mountains melt like wax before Him. Your strongholds are the mountains and when you ask God for help they melt like wax.
Looking back on some of my strongholds now I can see what God saw when I handed them to Him, they look small now. Every problem is small before Him.
I cant describe the feeling Gods freedom bring because there are no words here on earth to describe it,but if you can imagine one more thing tonight imagine living without fear.That's the best way I can describe freedom.
Dear Jesus, thank you for showing me my sins,thank you for forgiving me of my sins, thank you for overcoming sin in me. Please magnify any mountains between us so I can bring them to you and watch them melt like wax before you.Thank you Jesus because of you I do not have to look back and become a pillar of salt, I can look forward to freedom.Amen

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