
Sunday, September 28, 2014

His hearts desire...

Psalm 37:4 take delight in The Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart . Let's examine this . What are the desires of your heart? Love, acceptance, plans to prosper????? 1corinthians 13:4-8 . You all know this.... This is the definition of love . All the things love is . Love is patient , kind, protects, trusts, hopes, perserves. Gal 5:22 what are the fruits of the spirit????? Love, joy peace, kindness , goodness self control. Etc. back to 1corinthians ... It also explains what love is not..... Envy , boastful, proud, provoking,evil. What are the sins of the flesh???? Back to Galatians 5:19 adultery, fornication, uncleanliness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, jealousy, wrath, herisies, envy, hate , murder etc.... If we desire love, well God is love. God is all the qualities that defines love. Love is who He is. If we desire it we have to accept Him. We were created in His image He is love therefore we are love. When Jesus gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit in the acention he gave us the fruits of the spirit to live in. In order to fully love you must accept Him. When you accept Him you gain all the acceptance you need. Then we are free to love and accept others without desiring it from them in return you no longer desire the sins of the flesh. . Because when you receive love and acceptance from God , nothing compare to it. No one on this earth can give u love and acceptance all the time. I often asked God how do I do this all the time without being drug down by by others that live in the sins of the flesh. Quite simply. Finish chapter 5 of Galatians. Vs, 24 those who are Christs have crusified the flesh. With its passions and desires. Flesh desires vs, 26 conceit, provoking, envy. When you become aware of what the flesh desires  you know God made you in his image , he does not have those desires in his heart, what desires does he have???? What is love? What is fruit of the spirit? If we r made in his image our hearts desires are the same as His. When I realized my life had no purpose the world could live without Angie Carpenter  but it can't live without God, I also realized my life now is worth living because God lives through me . People know Him through me. I am an example .galatians 5:25 if you live in the spirit walk in the spirit. If you except Jesus Christ in your heart you know He lives in you but , walk in the spirit is different. You must crusified the flesh. When you know desires of the flesh and you no longer have a need for them because God fulfilled the desires of your heart, then you walk in the spirit. You are a living sacrifice , my life is no longer my own for my own desires but now Gods and for His desires. The desires of my heart are the desires He put in there. The fruits of the spirit. Without the flesh desire you are free to love as in vs22 of Gal. Fruits of the spirit . Love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. And it's not hard and your never faking it . It becomes who you are. God renews your heart mind and body. You see clearly , because you do not desire to see evil. You love deeper because you know love deeply, your mind does not rest unless it's rest on him. Your mind is on fire . It's like a God just reached down and plugged all the wires of your brain in that was plugged up by desires of the flesh. My greatest hearts desire is Him . Draw closer to Him  as close as I can hear on this earth. I also have a desire for humanity and serving others. The closer I grow to God the more I realize less preach more teach. It's not how much I say it's more about what I do. Action do speak louder than words. But we must be in the spirit to be lead by Him I order to walk with Him. Now I delight in The Lord and He gives me the true desires of my heart. I guess now the desire of my heart is His hearts desire.

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