
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

It's no problem.....

I was  at the mall shopping the other day . I was walking to check out and noticed all these cups all over the floor rolling . I look up a woman is apologizing to cashier . I quickly picked them up and placed them back on the shelf , turned around went to check out. Both women said thank you I said no problem. It really was no problem , I didn't need to hear thank you, it was the right thing to do and I did it. There was no sacrifice , It did not interrupt my day , it was not a hard job, it wasn't something I don't enjoy. It was no problem. We all have parents  and or children, have they ever needed something  and without them asking you saw the need and just did it.? How did u see their need? Your spirit receives much fast than your mind. Why did you just do it? Because you love them. Weather they say thank you or not , it was no problem. How did you feel after you did it? Good, right? Not just good but  love , joy, peace. Think about this.... Your spirit receives much faster than your mind. Your spirit  the Holy Spirit inside you receives faster than your mind. Jesus walked in the spirit no dout about that right. Matthew 8:1-3 when Jesus came down from the mountain great multitudes FOLLOWED Him . And behold a leper came to WORSHIP Him, saying" Lord, if You are willing, You can clean me. Jesus  put his hand on him and touched him saying" I am willing be cleaned. "Jesus  is always willing to meet the needs  of others. It was no problem.  The next part of the verse says. Immediately  his leprosy was cleaned.  In my  journey  to  get  to know  the God I  gave  my heart to God allowed me  to see and understand the desire of the flesh. Galatians 5 19-21 adultery, fornication, unclean ness, lewdness, idolatry, hatred, contention, jealousies, outburst of wrath, selfish ambition, dissention, heresies, envy , murder, drunkenness, revelries, and the like of which I tell you beforehand, just as I told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. I saw and understood these are a dead end. Unless I let them go, so was my relationship with God. I wanted to take my relationship with God to the next level, but I had to crusify the flesh. I had to repent and just like the leper ask Jesus if you are willing clean me. I knew God judges your heart. Not like we judge each other , that is cruel and not helpful. But God judges our heart and I knew it was to be helpful. Jeremiah17:10 says , "I The Lord, search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds serve. So I bravely went out on my porch one night and asked God to judge me. I asked Him to examine my heart and mind . I reminded Him I have a right to a clear mind in Jesus for you. I worshipped Him and asked Him if you are willing clean me. God is always willing . In that verse  "I The Lord  search the heard ." He looks to see if  you intention is pure . "And examine the mind, to reward ." He rewarded me  He changed my perception my outlook. Desires of the flesh make you insecure . Walking in the spirit  makes you secure. My reward was replacing the flesh desire with fruit of the spirit. Love , joy , peace , long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control. The same feeling you feel when you see a need  for a loved one and just do it and it's no problem. These desires  there is no dead end.. When God changed  my  outlook on the world, these fruits of the spirit were seen in everything and everyone. I saw opportunities everywhere to acknowledge God to man. My desire became to not miss any opportunity. Galatians 5:25 if we live in the spirit , let us walk in the spirit. I went from Lord  I will sacrifice anything for you , to. It's no sacrifice I want to do it  thank you  for  the opportunity to acknowledge you in all I do and say. The fruits of the spirit are separate just like desire of the flesh. There is a time and need for each one. The spirit receives faster than the mind. The spirit sees the need. When we are in constant surrender to God body mind and soul , the spirit receives faster than the mind.  Every single day I continue to ask God to judge  me. Every single day I surrender my body mind and soul to  serving Him. Every single day I ask Him to allow me to walk in the spirit for Him , to acknowledge Him. Every single day He says I'm willing , it's no problem. This  journey all started because I asked Jesus in my heart . Until tommorrow god bless:)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, serving others through God's Spirit IS "no problem". Praise His Holy Name!
