
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Giant problems....

Romans 12:2 do not conform to the world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind,that byTESTING you may discern what is the will of a God, what is good and acceptable and PERFECT. Have you ever been faced with a difficult situation and even though you pray, 1 month,  1 year etc. goes by and your still dealing with the difficult situation and still praying? Your problem , has to do with the world, right? Praying and not giving in , is not conforming to the world. Finally , you come to a point when your prayer changes. You come to a point , your out of patience and your  humble. You are desperate. Your are needy. You know now you are dependent on Gods help. Then you start praying about the same situation in a different way. You start , forgive me Lord for my part in this situation . I have a right to a clear mind in Christ Jesus . I rest in You Lord. Let Your will be done. !!! If you have ever been through this , you understand that this builds patients or in my case creates patients were there was none. We do have a right to a clear mind to serve Him. Be transformed by the renewal of your mind. Is simple . God does not always change the difficult person or situation but, better . He changes our outlook. All of a sudden, Iike David when he was facing a giant. The giant looks different. You no longer see a giant, you see (one man. ) the battle is no longer one on one with a giant it's one on  two ( you and God) against one man. Just a MAN!!! Your mind is renewed . Changed. You can see right from wrong.clearly right from wrong. In our mind , fear sets in and a difficult situation or person appears larger than it is. God showed you the truth. Just a bump in the road, we make mountains out of molehills and then God turns them into a grain of sand. Then you see if the difficult situation is even worth dealing with at all. This kinda situation happens again and again and yet again . God allows us to repeat a situation until all we see is Him. What is good and acceptable and perfect. This is how God helps us see and remove a stronghold . When you do anything over and over and over and expect a different outcome that's insanity ( Einstine theory) when you repeat the same prayer over and over and each day expect God to give you answer , God meets our needs not our wants. He can see the difference even when we cannot. Sometimes repeating prayer,  in our need , God makes us relentless and patient on His timing. How strong is your faith unless tested? God knows and is strength thing us. Repeated prayers in want. , well He removes the want. He makes your needs Him.
In all the time you have delt with this problem , you were asking seeking and finally God shows you now you are knocking. Now your ready to go be fruitful and multiply, be an example,  testify. Testifying to another is refreshing and energizing to their soul. If we didn't have the situation and perserviered toward seeking God, how can we really help?when God allows us to go through this let our faith be tested. Be confident keep asking seeking God will guide you to the narrow gate. When God allows us to be tested , no different than a child studying for a spelling test. Practice makes perfect. The more difficult times you have , eventually you Ace the test. Renewing your mind becomes , you see the enemy coming and you are not caught off guard anymore you are not afraid of a giant. You just knock! Do what scripture says. Have you ever heard the saying , If you can't beat them join them? Well, not conforming  is knowing God can beat them. Fall Goliath fall! David was young a child. He was as dependent on God as my 9 year old is dependent on me. God reminded David what he was good at as a child. What were you like as a child ? My strength was I was social I was full of energy and excitement . I loved people. David was renewed . God showed him Goliath was just another target to hit with his slingshot. He was dependent on God to show him what to do. As my son is dependent on me to show him what to do. What is your giant as an adult? Ask God to renew your mind by bringing you back to being dependent on Him . Go to HIM as the child He made you to be. With those strengths he gave you and ask Him how to use them to serve Him and watch your own giant fall. Not just fall but defeated killed , gone !!!! Being dependent on God is what He wants . To Him that is good and acceptable.


  1. Wow, if we could all come to this place in our lives, revival would break out and "the enemy" would be defeated in our lives just as God intended when He allowed His Son, Jesus, to die and be resurrected.

    1. To get to dependent , love yourself not what you do or who u help. Love you just the way you are the way God masterfully made you . Let Him show us all the great things he made us with. His plan. When we try to change ourselves or go to doctors because you want yourself better , don't do that . Find out why God chose that trait. Go back to the child He made you. Not the adult you want to be. Then we tell God we are dependent . We love how he made us. Then you are free really free to love and love and be loved and love all the quirks people have cause god made them . Ends up fun.
