Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Follow the Leader:)
Remember being in kindergarten & playing follow the leader to lunch or the bathroom? My daughter came home in kindergarten and said I was the leader today!! She was happy. I asked what does it take to be a leader? She said we take turns if we are well behaved & good in class we can have our turn as leader. That got me thinking. As adults that is our goal, to be the leader. We strive for it. We assume we are doing the right thing things we should lead be the boss or get promoted. Is that what God wants for all of us to be leaders?? Proverbs 16:9 says 'The heart of man plans his way, but The Lord establishes his steps.' Well, the heart of man wants to lead but The Lord establishes his steps, show someone how. What about the teacher? Isn't it her classroom? What did she do? She motivated the kids to be leader by doing good deeds. What did Jesus do? After all, isn't He the greatest leader? Let's read John 13. Jesus washes the deciples feet. Peter asked why? Jesus said, 'What am I doing you don't understand now, but you will after this?' He was going to teach them. By washing their feet Jesus served them. Jesus first was a servant with the intention to motivate others by teaching them. Verse 12 'So when He washed their feet, taken His garments, & sat down again, He took off his garments before he washed their feet.' He was showing them I'm not the leader now, I'm the servant. Washed their feet took up his garments, (He didn't put them back on) the He sat down with them. He was the teacher. He then said, 'Do you know what I have done for you?' He's asking them do you understand now after I served you & taught you? Then He says, 'You call Me Teacher & Lord, and you say well for so am I. If then, your Lord & Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash another's feet.' So there you have it. Jesus is a servant, He helps others however they need in order for them to be clean. He teaches by serving motivation, showing others what to, and for that He Is a leader for God. I remember a friend of Olivia's came over & said she had a problem. I said I'm sorry how can I help? She said I don't know. I asked do you want me to listen or do you need advice? She said I don't know. Know your audience! Most people don't need a listener or advice. They need help. How can we help like Jesus? Ask a question that leads them to the right answer. Back to follow the leader. Olivia was happy when she was leader. People are happy when they get their turn. When they figure it out on their own we must always stay focused on the big picture. We are here to be living sacrifices for God. We want His death to be in Gods eyes worth it. We must motivate others by helping them choose to lead a clean right life for God.If you want to teach someone to be kind be kind to them. If you want to teach someone to forgive be forgiving to them. Etc. Being a living sacrifice is being an example of how we should be. The sacrifice is yourself your feelings. You do not walk in fear of what about me what about my feeling? Your want for God to be know through what you do and say is all that matters. Follow Jesus lead , it leads us to walking in the spirit. Until tom thanks teacher!!!!
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Nicely said.