
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Go for it!!!!!

Several years ago Kelly (my husband) came home from the plant he worked at for the past 12-13 years and told me he could not see himself working there much longer. A few of his coworkers had already moved on to the coal mine and Kelly felt like he was ready to do the same. I'll never forget what he told me next, he said I want to do something better for our family , I want to do something I'm proud  to do, Kelly  was ready for a change , he was a a crossroad for years knowing in his heart this wasn't right for him anymore. This was scary for him. He had a stable job , good benefits , day shift, the plant was 10 min away , 2 small kids and a wife to support. From afar it seemed great. But inside Kelly was still missing something. Changing careers  is always scary. For the whole family. Kelly had to take classes , and work. At this time I had to become less dependent on Kelly and more dependent on God . After what Kelly had told me , I want to do something better for our family and something I'm proud of , what could I say? Go for it!!!lLuke 13:24 says  "Strive to enter  through the narrow gate  , for many, I will say to you , will seek to enter and will not be able. " Kelly took the narrow gate in his career life, and our family is better for it. Your spiritual life is no different. Have you ever been at a crossroad and felt  you could not see yourself  staying there much longer? Have you ever felt  you want to do something better for your family and your proud of? Wheather  your not yet a Christian or if you have been your whole life, have you ever felt that way? There are levels in your relationship with God just like levels in your relationship with your spouse. We must always seek the narrow gate . We must not grow content where we are. We must strive to enter the narrow gate. My brother has been working  with a company for many years as well. I have  heard him  for many years talk about how difficult his boss is. How much lack of compassion  and respect for others he has. I wonder how long his boss has been at this crossroad? How long has he felt something needed to change? Does he know Jesus? Back to Luke 13 many will seek to enter and will not be able. Vs25 when once the Master has risen up and shut the door , and you begin to stand outside and knock, at the door, my brothers boss was asked to take early retirement. If we do not strive to enter through the narrow gate , if we do not recognize the need for change and are not obedient to it, eventually God shuts the door. I can't help but pray my brothers boss in his retirement asks Jesus to lead his life to change. . We feel that we need  to make a change ask God what if not 
  and we don't for whatever reason when a change is made for us then we are caught off guard and we knock at Gods door. We do not need to be caught of guard , the signs are given to us. Do you feel your at a crossroad and need a positive change? Matthew 6:33 . Seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all the things will be added to you. We allllll desire more we all want something we are proud of something better for our family. John 14:6 "I am the way, and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me" Jesus is the way  for  a better life. Want  to talk about a narrow gate? No one goes to the Father except through me. We need to listen to ourself are we ready for a change? Ask Jesus to lead your way!God knows it's hard to change just like Kelly he had to give up control of life and take a leap of faith right through that narrow gate. But I got good news. Matthew 19:26 " With people this is impossible , but with God all things are possible. " If you are wanting to have Jesus in your heart , if you are wanting to take your relationship with God to another level, that is for His glory and for that all things are possible. He wants us to have better for our family He is something to be very proud of. When you let him know you, you realize anything you do for Him your proud to do. Back to Luke 13 you don't want to stand outside Gods door and knock and Him say, "I do not know you. " you'll feel like my brothers boss. Retirement may have been what God had wanted for him, but if you do it with Him , if you take a leap of faith through that narrow gate , just like Kelly our family is better for it. If not like my brothers boss your forced to knock at his door. So if you want a change of any kind ask Jesus to lead the way. Just Go for it!!!

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