
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Giant problems....

Romans 12:2 do not conform to the world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind,that byTESTING you may discern what is the will of a God, what is good and acceptable and PERFECT. Have you ever been faced with a difficult situation and even though you pray, 1 month,  1 year etc. goes by and your still dealing with the difficult situation and still praying? Your problem , has to do with the world, right? Praying and not giving in , is not conforming to the world. Finally , you come to a point when your prayer changes. You come to a point , your out of patience and your  humble. You are desperate. Your are needy. You know now you are dependent on Gods help. Then you start praying about the same situation in a different way. You start , forgive me Lord for my part in this situation . I have a right to a clear mind in Christ Jesus . I rest in You Lord. Let Your will be done. !!! If you have ever been through this , you understand that this builds patients or in my case creates patients were there was none. We do have a right to a clear mind to serve Him. Be transformed by the renewal of your mind. Is simple . God does not always change the difficult person or situation but, better . He changes our outlook. All of a sudden, Iike David when he was facing a giant. The giant looks different. You no longer see a giant, you see (one man. ) the battle is no longer one on one with a giant it's one on  two ( you and God) against one man. Just a MAN!!! Your mind is renewed . Changed. You can see right from wrong.clearly right from wrong. In our mind , fear sets in and a difficult situation or person appears larger than it is. God showed you the truth. Just a bump in the road, we make mountains out of molehills and then God turns them into a grain of sand. Then you see if the difficult situation is even worth dealing with at all. This kinda situation happens again and again and yet again . God allows us to repeat a situation until all we see is Him. What is good and acceptable and perfect. This is how God helps us see and remove a stronghold . When you do anything over and over and over and expect a different outcome that's insanity ( Einstine theory) when you repeat the same prayer over and over and each day expect God to give you answer , God meets our needs not our wants. He can see the difference even when we cannot. Sometimes repeating prayer,  in our need , God makes us relentless and patient on His timing. How strong is your faith unless tested? God knows and is strength thing us. Repeated prayers in want. , well He removes the want. He makes your needs Him.
In all the time you have delt with this problem , you were asking seeking and finally God shows you now you are knocking. Now your ready to go be fruitful and multiply, be an example,  testify. Testifying to another is refreshing and energizing to their soul. If we didn't have the situation and perserviered toward seeking God, how can we really help?when God allows us to go through this let our faith be tested. Be confident keep asking seeking God will guide you to the narrow gate. When God allows us to be tested , no different than a child studying for a spelling test. Practice makes perfect. The more difficult times you have , eventually you Ace the test. Renewing your mind becomes , you see the enemy coming and you are not caught off guard anymore you are not afraid of a giant. You just knock! Do what scripture says. Have you ever heard the saying , If you can't beat them join them? Well, not conforming  is knowing God can beat them. Fall Goliath fall! David was young a child. He was as dependent on God as my 9 year old is dependent on me. God reminded David what he was good at as a child. What were you like as a child ? My strength was I was social I was full of energy and excitement . I loved people. David was renewed . God showed him Goliath was just another target to hit with his slingshot. He was dependent on God to show him what to do. As my son is dependent on me to show him what to do. What is your giant as an adult? Ask God to renew your mind by bringing you back to being dependent on Him . Go to HIM as the child He made you to be. With those strengths he gave you and ask Him how to use them to serve Him and watch your own giant fall. Not just fall but defeated killed , gone !!!! Being dependent on God is what He wants . To Him that is good and acceptable.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

His hearts desire...

Psalm 37:4 take delight in The Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart . Let's examine this . What are the desires of your heart? Love, acceptance, plans to prosper????? 1corinthians 13:4-8 . You all know this.... This is the definition of love . All the things love is . Love is patient , kind, protects, trusts, hopes, perserves. Gal 5:22 what are the fruits of the spirit????? Love, joy peace, kindness , goodness self control. Etc. back to 1corinthians ... It also explains what love is not..... Envy , boastful, proud, provoking,evil. What are the sins of the flesh???? Back to Galatians 5:19 adultery, fornication, uncleanliness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, jealousy, wrath, herisies, envy, hate , murder etc.... If we desire love, well God is love. God is all the qualities that defines love. Love is who He is. If we desire it we have to accept Him. We were created in His image He is love therefore we are love. When Jesus gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit in the acention he gave us the fruits of the spirit to live in. In order to fully love you must accept Him. When you accept Him you gain all the acceptance you need. Then we are free to love and accept others without desiring it from them in return you no longer desire the sins of the flesh. . Because when you receive love and acceptance from God , nothing compare to it. No one on this earth can give u love and acceptance all the time. I often asked God how do I do this all the time without being drug down by by others that live in the sins of the flesh. Quite simply. Finish chapter 5 of Galatians. Vs, 24 those who are Christs have crusified the flesh. With its passions and desires. Flesh desires vs, 26 conceit, provoking, envy. When you become aware of what the flesh desires  you know God made you in his image , he does not have those desires in his heart, what desires does he have???? What is love? What is fruit of the spirit? If we r made in his image our hearts desires are the same as His. When I realized my life had no purpose the world could live without Angie Carpenter  but it can't live without God, I also realized my life now is worth living because God lives through me . People know Him through me. I am an example .galatians 5:25 if you live in the spirit walk in the spirit. If you except Jesus Christ in your heart you know He lives in you but , walk in the spirit is different. You must crusified the flesh. When you know desires of the flesh and you no longer have a need for them because God fulfilled the desires of your heart, then you walk in the spirit. You are a living sacrifice , my life is no longer my own for my own desires but now Gods and for His desires. The desires of my heart are the desires He put in there. The fruits of the spirit. Without the flesh desire you are free to love as in vs22 of Gal. Fruits of the spirit . Love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. And it's not hard and your never faking it . It becomes who you are. God renews your heart mind and body. You see clearly , because you do not desire to see evil. You love deeper because you know love deeply, your mind does not rest unless it's rest on him. Your mind is on fire . It's like a God just reached down and plugged all the wires of your brain in that was plugged up by desires of the flesh. My greatest hearts desire is Him . Draw closer to Him  as close as I can hear on this earth. I also have a desire for humanity and serving others. The closer I grow to God the more I realize less preach more teach. It's not how much I say it's more about what I do. Action do speak louder than words. But we must be in the spirit to be lead by Him I order to walk with Him. Now I delight in The Lord and He gives me the true desires of my heart. I guess now the desire of my heart is His hearts desire.

His plan

Jeremiah 29:11 " I know the plans I have for you the plans to prosper not to harm you, the plans for hope and future"" have you ever made plans and they go wrong? I did. I asked God why did it go wrong ? I had good intentions. Well, it wasn't his plan!!!!! Plans to prosper , Gods plans have everyone involved in mind , not just mine. That's why withGod we and others prosper. Not to harm you, most of our plans involve others , God cannot allow harm unles it's his plan. Why do we complicate our own lives? We can just ask Him what is His plan. Plans of hope and futre. His plans end with hope and future. For all involved. Ask, Him what are His plans for this situation, seek the answer and knock, do it and the door will be open for you. Make plans for others to prosper from. If your plan fails, it's not nessesaraly a NO from God , he just has another way planed to approach the situation. Ask Him his plan!isaiah 55:9 for as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways my thoughts higher than you thoughts. God thinks long term. His thoughts and ways are long term ways and thoughts. When I asked God , why I had good intentions. I did but for who and how long?????God thinks about all that . I have ADHD , I want to  tell everyone what a special gift it is. If I go out preaching about the perks to ADHD what good did I serve and to who???probably some but , what if I use it the way God showed me? Then I hear wow that's amazing, how do u do that, that's a gift, Jesus taught people by showing them not just preaching . We limit our plans he has for us by making plans. Instead of asking Him his plan and waiting for Him to show us. God works through us . I often hear I have a God given gift. People see the perks to ADHD and recognize its God given I don't have to say a word. Have you ever heard a child sing ? I mean an amazing singer and you know wow they have a gift. God gets the credit . Gods plan is to work through us to help us and others prosper . When you see someone using their God given gift , you have hope and you know that person has a future using their God given gift. Gods plan for us is much bigger that we can comprehend . What was your strength as a child???? Mine was people I was a people person, I had so much energy and spirit it was alluring to other children . I was positive and loving and excepting to all kids. I I rarely grew tired.thats how God created me. That's how he planned for me to serve Him. With energy and enthusiasm. As an adult this (people) became my weakness. Adults with ADHD can not focus are distracted are, hyper and all this can be off putting to others. When I stood on my porch one night and told God , you know me. You made me. I am fearfully and wonderfully made to serve you. I surrender my weakness to you. I reminded God He said when we are our weakest He is his strongest. I continued reminding Him , you have plans for me. I started studying Luke 9:46 -48the disciples asked who is the greatest??? Jesus said the child. He said"whoever receives this little child receives me . And whoever receives me receives Him who sent Me. For whoever is least among you will be the greatest" when we humble our selfs and ask God please allow me to be the child you created me to be and not the adult I long to be.... Healing begins. And God reminds you then, of the fearfully made child He planned you to be. Then I knew I had to use the ADHD as intended , allow God to work through me. To love to accept others to use the spirit inside me to energize and be refreshing to the spirit in another. With ADHD I think outside the box, I see a positive hidden in every negative. I am humble because I am human . I don't require a lot of sleep and still have more energy than others. My mind is on fire all the time. I feel like I can't learn enough I'm always hungry for more. I see the world and others as a way of hope and future through learning from others. There is only so much I can learn on my own God created others with gifts to share and I know I can learn from all of them. I'm eager for knowledge. But my energy and positive outlook God uses to lead people back to Him. His plans to prosper are Luke 13 enter through the narrow gate. Let God know you and show you your weakness . He shows you in your weakness there is hope and future. His ways are truly higher than our ways because His ways involve all of us even our weakness. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts because ours are just to make a plan with good intentions. His thoughts are make a plan that involves healing hope future prosper. Etc. His plan unlocks every part of us mind body and soul to give us the desire of our heart. Now I see the world put a label on me ADHD and god took it off and said now go be an example be fruitful and multiply be a fisher of men be a living sacrifice. That was His plan all along:)

Are you afraid of the dark?

Has your child ever came to you and said I'm afraid of the dark????? What do you say, there is nothing to be afraid of and you turn the lights on and show them. This is how God sees us when we are afraid or a situation or facing a dark time. Next time ask Him to turn the lights on in the situation and show there is nothing to be afraid of. We all have the right to a clear mind in Christ Jesus. All you have to do is Ask:)

Monday, September 22, 2014

Grab the snake by the tail.,.,

exodus 4:4 the lord said to Moses, " reach out and grab the snake by the tail"well , have you ever heard grab the bull by the horns? Or just do it? Rip it off like a band aid? Well this is what God has had me reading by now in my relationship with God, I know when he has me reading something specific I need to pay attention because a lesson will soon follow. A very close friend and I went out separate ways many months ago, I began to pray the second I knew we were heading off track and as she walked out of my life , I have been praying for her and her family every day since. Pray for there health and peace in there life etc. whatever I prayed for myself or my kids she came to mind and I prayed the same for her. Never knowing if she would walk back in my life or not but I knew God had a plan so I just prayed his will for there life would be fulfilled. TodY I prayed this morning for God to bring rain in my life were there was no way there could be as in Zechariah. I went to get my hair done, it went really wrong . I came home sat crude for a moment then I knew the only way out of tis was to call her. I knew in the past we had had this prob with hair and she could fix it. I cried more , fear was rearing its head , satan reminded me how my now distant friend hated me and would not Speek to me. Then God told me call her. I needed to grab the snake by the tail even though I knew it may bite me in the end. So I made the call, surprising she came right over, fixed my hair and asked me can we mend this? Can we go back? I said no we can go forward though. She said what went wrong? I said no need to rehash , let's move on. Turns out all this time she missed me. She missed our friendship. In order to have God bring rain where there is no way you have to just do it. Grab the snake by the tail. God makes the snake into a rod, a way. We must have faith.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Judge others it's ok

Matthew 7.2 judge others and you will be judge equally. Judge others is your right. You have the right to a clear mind. God allows difficult people in our life to deal with. We see they are cranky , mean, offensive. Etc. if they are cranky , mean be kind and patient. Actions speak louder than words. That's why God said if your enemy is hungry feed him... Feeding is an action. Judge and you will be judged in the same measure. When you are angry and difficult you want someone to be peaceful and patient. Judge righteiously !!!John 7:24 do not judge according to appearance , but judge with a righteous judgment. But first, ask God to judge you!!!!! :)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Go for it!!!!!

Several years ago Kelly (my husband) came home from the plant he worked at for the past 12-13 years and told me he could not see himself working there much longer. A few of his coworkers had already moved on to the coal mine and Kelly felt like he was ready to do the same. I'll never forget what he told me next, he said I want to do something better for our family , I want to do something I'm proud  to do, Kelly  was ready for a change , he was a a crossroad for years knowing in his heart this wasn't right for him anymore. This was scary for him. He had a stable job , good benefits , day shift, the plant was 10 min away , 2 small kids and a wife to support. From afar it seemed great. But inside Kelly was still missing something. Changing careers  is always scary. For the whole family. Kelly had to take classes , and work. At this time I had to become less dependent on Kelly and more dependent on God . After what Kelly had told me , I want to do something better for our family and something I'm proud of , what could I say? Go for it!!!lLuke 13:24 says  "Strive to enter  through the narrow gate  , for many, I will say to you , will seek to enter and will not be able. " Kelly took the narrow gate in his career life, and our family is better for it. Your spiritual life is no different. Have you ever been at a crossroad and felt  you could not see yourself  staying there much longer? Have you ever felt  you want to do something better for your family and your proud of? Wheather  your not yet a Christian or if you have been your whole life, have you ever felt that way? There are levels in your relationship with God just like levels in your relationship with your spouse. We must always seek the narrow gate . We must not grow content where we are. We must strive to enter the narrow gate. My brother has been working  with a company for many years as well. I have  heard him  for many years talk about how difficult his boss is. How much lack of compassion  and respect for others he has. I wonder how long his boss has been at this crossroad? How long has he felt something needed to change? Does he know Jesus? Back to Luke 13 many will seek to enter and will not be able. Vs25 when once the Master has risen up and shut the door , and you begin to stand outside and knock, at the door, my brothers boss was asked to take early retirement. If we do not strive to enter through the narrow gate , if we do not recognize the need for change and are not obedient to it, eventually God shuts the door. I can't help but pray my brothers boss in his retirement asks Jesus to lead his life to change. . We feel that we need  to make a change ask God what if not 
  and we don't for whatever reason when a change is made for us then we are caught off guard and we knock at Gods door. We do not need to be caught of guard , the signs are given to us. Do you feel your at a crossroad and need a positive change? Matthew 6:33 . Seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all the things will be added to you. We allllll desire more we all want something we are proud of something better for our family. John 14:6 "I am the way, and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me" Jesus is the way  for  a better life. Want  to talk about a narrow gate? No one goes to the Father except through me. We need to listen to ourself are we ready for a change? Ask Jesus to lead your way!God knows it's hard to change just like Kelly he had to give up control of life and take a leap of faith right through that narrow gate. But I got good news. Matthew 19:26 " With people this is impossible , but with God all things are possible. " If you are wanting to have Jesus in your heart , if you are wanting to take your relationship with God to another level, that is for His glory and for that all things are possible. He wants us to have better for our family He is something to be very proud of. When you let him know you, you realize anything you do for Him your proud to do. Back to Luke 13 you don't want to stand outside Gods door and knock and Him say, "I do not know you. " you'll feel like my brothers boss. Retirement may have been what God had wanted for him, but if you do it with Him , if you take a leap of faith through that narrow gate , just like Kelly our family is better for it. If not like my brothers boss your forced to knock at his door. So if you want a change of any kind ask Jesus to lead the way. Just Go for it!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

It's no problem.....

I was  at the mall shopping the other day . I was walking to check out and noticed all these cups all over the floor rolling . I look up a woman is apologizing to cashier . I quickly picked them up and placed them back on the shelf , turned around went to check out. Both women said thank you I said no problem. It really was no problem , I didn't need to hear thank you, it was the right thing to do and I did it. There was no sacrifice , It did not interrupt my day , it was not a hard job, it wasn't something I don't enjoy. It was no problem. We all have parents  and or children, have they ever needed something  and without them asking you saw the need and just did it.? How did u see their need? Your spirit receives much fast than your mind. Why did you just do it? Because you love them. Weather they say thank you or not , it was no problem. How did you feel after you did it? Good, right? Not just good but  love , joy, peace. Think about this.... Your spirit receives much faster than your mind. Your spirit  the Holy Spirit inside you receives faster than your mind. Jesus walked in the spirit no dout about that right. Matthew 8:1-3 when Jesus came down from the mountain great multitudes FOLLOWED Him . And behold a leper came to WORSHIP Him, saying" Lord, if You are willing, You can clean me. Jesus  put his hand on him and touched him saying" I am willing be cleaned. "Jesus  is always willing to meet the needs  of others. It was no problem.  The next part of the verse says. Immediately  his leprosy was cleaned.  In my  journey  to  get  to know  the God I  gave  my heart to God allowed me  to see and understand the desire of the flesh. Galatians 5 19-21 adultery, fornication, unclean ness, lewdness, idolatry, hatred, contention, jealousies, outburst of wrath, selfish ambition, dissention, heresies, envy , murder, drunkenness, revelries, and the like of which I tell you beforehand, just as I told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. I saw and understood these are a dead end. Unless I let them go, so was my relationship with God. I wanted to take my relationship with God to the next level, but I had to crusify the flesh. I had to repent and just like the leper ask Jesus if you are willing clean me. I knew God judges your heart. Not like we judge each other , that is cruel and not helpful. But God judges our heart and I knew it was to be helpful. Jeremiah17:10 says , "I The Lord, search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds serve. So I bravely went out on my porch one night and asked God to judge me. I asked Him to examine my heart and mind . I reminded Him I have a right to a clear mind in Jesus for you. I worshipped Him and asked Him if you are willing clean me. God is always willing . In that verse  "I The Lord  search the heard ." He looks to see if  you intention is pure . "And examine the mind, to reward ." He rewarded me  He changed my perception my outlook. Desires of the flesh make you insecure . Walking in the spirit  makes you secure. My reward was replacing the flesh desire with fruit of the spirit. Love , joy , peace , long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control. The same feeling you feel when you see a need  for a loved one and just do it and it's no problem. These desires  there is no dead end.. When God changed  my  outlook on the world, these fruits of the spirit were seen in everything and everyone. I saw opportunities everywhere to acknowledge God to man. My desire became to not miss any opportunity. Galatians 5:25 if we live in the spirit , let us walk in the spirit. I went from Lord  I will sacrifice anything for you , to. It's no sacrifice I want to do it  thank you  for  the opportunity to acknowledge you in all I do and say. The fruits of the spirit are separate just like desire of the flesh. There is a time and need for each one. The spirit receives faster than the mind. The spirit sees the need. When we are in constant surrender to God body mind and soul , the spirit receives faster than the mind.  Every single day I continue to ask God to judge  me. Every single day I surrender my body mind and soul to  serving Him. Every single day I ask Him to allow me to walk in the spirit for Him , to acknowledge Him. Every single day He says I'm willing , it's no problem. This  journey all started because I asked Jesus in my heart . Until tommorrow god bless:)

Follow the Leader:)

Remember being in kindergarten & playing follow the leader to lunch or the bathroom? My daughter came home in kindergarten and said I was the leader today!! She was happy. I asked what does it take to be a leader? She said we take turns if we are well behaved & good in class we can have our turn as leader. That got me thinking. As adults that is our goal, to be the leader. We strive for it. We assume we are doing the right thing things we should lead be the boss or get promoted. Is that what God wants for all of us to be leaders?? Proverbs 16:9 says 'The heart of man plans his way, but The Lord establishes his steps.' Well, the heart of man wants to lead but The Lord establishes his steps, show someone how. What about the teacher? Isn't it her classroom? What did she do? She motivated the kids to be leader by doing good deeds. What did Jesus do? After all, isn't He the greatest leader? Let's read John 13. Jesus washes the deciples feet. Peter asked why? Jesus said, 'What am I doing you don't understand now, but you will after this?' He was going to teach them. By washing their feet Jesus served them. Jesus first was a servant with the intention to motivate others by teaching them. Verse 12 'So when He washed their feet, taken His garments, & sat down again, He took off  his garments before he washed their feet.' He was showing them I'm not the leader now, I'm the servant. Washed their feet took up his garments, (He didn't put them back on) the He sat down with them. He was the teacher. He then said, 'Do you know what I have done for you?' He's asking them do you understand now after I served you & taught you? Then He says, 'You call Me Teacher & Lord, and you say well for so am I. If then, your Lord & Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash another's feet.' So there you have it. Jesus is a servant, He helps others however they need in order for them to be clean. He teaches by serving motivation, showing others what to, and for that He Is a leader for God. I remember a friend of Olivia's came over & said she had a problem. I said I'm sorry how can I help? She said I don't know. I asked do you want me to listen or do you need advice? She said I don't know. Know your audience! Most people don't need a listener or advice. They need help. How can we help like Jesus? Ask a question that leads them to the right answer. Back to follow the leader. Olivia was happy when she was leader. People are happy when they get their turn. When they figure it out on their own we must always stay focused on the big picture. We are here to be living sacrifices for God. We want His death to be in Gods eyes worth it. We must motivate others by helping them choose to lead a clean right life for God.If you want to teach someone to be kind be kind to them. If you want to teach someone to forgive be forgiving to them. Etc. Being a living sacrifice is being an example of how we should be. The sacrifice is yourself your feelings. You do not walk in fear of what about me what about my feeling? Your want for God to be know through what you do and say is all that matters. Follow Jesus lead , it leads us to walking in the spirit. Until tom thanks teacher!!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

A fixed heart =dependent

Psalms 108 :1 My heart , O God, is steadfast; I will sing and make music with my soul. I have ADHD  . Growing up in school my strength was my energy. I was bursting with it , not just physically but mentally  as well .Whatever I was interested in  I excelled , sports  for obvious reasons I  don't  tire easy. Reading comprehension , depending if I was interested , I could excel  because my mind would not tire , I could read reread and reread till if was part of me. My weakness was also my energy . Sometimes my energy can put people off , even as I child I noticed that  so I learned to be a floater.I kept people at arms length. I felt like I wanted to use my energy to help people but didn't know how. When I went away to college, I quickly realized I was on my own and independent. We raise our children with the hope they will be strong independent productive members of society. That was my parents goal and hopes. But being independent strong productive  in this world is hard. Especially at 18 when your dependent one day and 24 hours later your independent. Although I liked what I wanted to study communications I struggled with the independence and eventually failed. Later I reentered school and completed. What changed? When I reentered I was married, we had our own house. I was dependent again . That's still not enough , I had children so now I have dependents. Everyone wants to give there child more than they had. I am no different, but what I realized was the only way I can do that is with a strong Christian foundation. The more I tried to teach the more I wanted to learn. Then I realized I can't help anyone until I allow God to help me. Think about Daniel in the lions den. The lions appeared to want to attack and eat him. Really they were hungry. We feel people are against us and are lashing out at us , god says pray for those who come against you. They come against you because they need prayer. When we start seeing them as handicapped and needy, they do not know better but, we do. Then you realize your in the den tooooo. We can't get out of the den anymore than they can without help. Daniel didn't feed them god did. Daniel was dependent on God. Daniel had to give his fear to God.. Psalms 55:22 cast thy burden upon The Lord, and He shall sustain thee ;. That's what Daniel did. That's what God wAnts us to do. Cast your fears your weakness your burden on Him . God didn't say  your strengths He said burdens fear weakness. Why????He wants us to be His children dependent. Matthew 18 1-3 deciples came to Jesus and asked, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? Jesus pulled a child over and said."Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children , you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. " think about it , my kids are 9 and13 dependent on me . They can't drive buy a house buy a car pay bills etc. . They are even dependent on hugs kisses, encouragement, direction, love etc. that's how God wants us. Dependent completely on Him. That's when we back to psalms 108 sing and make music. When we are dependent on God for direction and every need we sing and make music. When I cast my burdens and fear to God he directed me where I needed to go. Along the way I depended on Him still do for every need. Matthew  8 :1-2  great multitudes followed Jesus in verse 1 . But in verse 2 a leper came and worshiped Him ,saying  Lord , if you are willing , You can clean me. That's what I did . God judges our heart not like we judge others His way is helpful. I asked God  to judge me what ever was not clean or pure  help me . That's the  perfect healing , inside out. 2 Corinthians 12:9 My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Get comfortable with your burdens fears weaknesses be dependent on God . Teach your kids to be dependent on God from the start. Matthew 19:14 let the children come to Me and do not hinder them.when our heart is steadfast we will sing and make music. We will sing and make music. MAKE MUSIC, sing are words to a set tune. When you are fixed steadfast on God  we will do what is set for us. Music is vocal or instance talk sound or both composed in such a way as to produce beauty of form harmony. When we are fixed on god we are steadfast in line with him together you produce harmony. Wow! So many times we try to fit scripture into our life. No matter how many time you cross cross reference scripture His word is the same. The situation may change but the word is the same. When we fit our life in line with scripture we become dependent. Repeat over and over until you are dependent on his scripture to lead your life let it become part of you. Until tom god bless:)

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Prepared= this is the life!!!!:)

John 14:2-3 In my Fathers house are many mansions, if it were not so , I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. Do u know when you meet someone your interested in then you flirt , turns into dating , engaged, married , children, new job , iron out wrinkles of the relationship . If your  strong enough you withstand the test of time and  then your insink  you  respect and love your spouce because they made the journey alongside of you .and helped you . Just like that there are levels in our relationship with God. You are interested so you start going to church or bible study , you give your life to Christ , you make a commitment to get to know who you gave your heart to, you begin a journey toward Him . Along the way  in our struggles we learn He is always there , we may stray for Him but He is always there. When you allow yourself to realize He never leaves you ups and downs He goes with you. Think about Daniel  in the lions  He didn't pull Daniel out . He went too . In our struggles  when we stay focused on Him and preserver toward Him  we build our confidence in Him. We can look back and remember how He helped us through. We build respect for Him  and  realizeHe is a man of His word. We become completely in love with Him . No relationship on earth can compare . Every relationship on earth  you have days  you feel they don't understand , you feel you don't fit in , your a black sheep , etc. He allows  us to feel that so we realize you fit in with Him perfectly. Psalms 37:4 delight yourself in The Lord ; and  He will give you your hearts desire . What ever desire that is . Father, brother, councelor, son, teacher , preacher etc. when you delight in that . First , your free, free to love  without a need for it always returned , because He does. You delight in this freedom and peace . Your heart is changed. You continue your journey, you see things different, for how they  are  . Your perseption has changed. Back to Daniel , the lions first appeared to be frightning what about David , the giant appears huge. Ask god to help you  with a clear mind . He changes your perception ,. The lions  are hungry,  the want feed. They know you may not have  a steak but they know your full and you know where to get one. Back to David , the giant looks huge to you and everyone around . But you remember , you have been using  your slingshot for along time and your a good shot now. That's peace of mind. Your mind is on Him , with Him . We can ask God because we have a right to a clear mind to help us . Continue on your journey toward God, you realize it's not about you it's about others . How can you give God back all he gave you? Ask , seek , knock. This is the knock part. Actions Speek louder than words. You can preach and preach the gospel every day to all , but this is when you realize you have  to do what God has taught you , just like David. God showed Daniel . Daniel did not fight back or fight to get out , God did not kill the lions or banish them . Daniel trusted God and God shut there mouths. God fed them. There are many hungry people in the world hungry for positivity and negativity . What do you want to feed them? All people respond better to a smile than a word. People respond better to help getting the right answer than telling them what to do. Don't handicap people , don't cheat them out of the journey just help them get interested. We as Daniel may have the steak but we don't make steaks. Give a man a fish he eat for a day teach a man to fish he eats for a lifetime. Think about it , it never said we make fish . If we give a man a fish over and over eventually we both run out and are both hungry. Back to john 14 . I go and prepare a place for you. First Matthew  6:10 your kingdom come your will be done , on  EARTH as it is in HEAVEN . If you do on earth as it is to be in heaven . On earth you can have the place he prepared for you. Back to knock and the door will be open unto you. If we do on earth Gods will , he not only opens a door for you to do so but goes before you and after, gives you solid ground to stand on , supply our every need, grace, He promised His people will not be over taken , victory over death , all Gods promises. Genesis 1:1 God creAted the heaven and earth in same day  He created them before Jesus spoke john 14 . God created heaven first before earth that's how much He loves us. He created a place for us to be with Him for all eternity before He created us or sent Jesus. Back to john 14 I go and prepare a place for you. God created heaven already , but when Jesus died for us when to heaven then back here to give us a gift that will be with us always the Holy Spirit, remember God judges us by our heart not the way we judge others . His way is helpful, when you ask God judge my heart , please, correct what is wrong make me pure for you. He does , the place Jesus prepared for us is a way to wAlk in the spirit. Galatians 5:16 . So I say, walk by the spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. Have you ever moved in a new house and after you find it buy it pack up old stuff move it unpack and eventually you feel it's not a house it's a home . I love it here. That's how it feels to me it may take time to find the house may be hard to afford the house may be crazy packing unpacking it's fun decoration with new stuff  but in the end it's your and you love it there. Until I get to heaven this home will do . That's how I feel, But first I  need to Romans 12 1-2  the aim of the Romans is that all of life would become " spiritual worship" present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and exceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. My aim is to in GODS eyes show that Jesus life was made worth it. I remember the day my son was born , hours and hours of hard labor, in the end I actually had the pleasure of pulling him out myself and held him and said to him, " we did it buddy" I felt amazing but that feeling went away it only last a min and the nurse took him. I say this feeling was better than the day Hunter was born because it last . God allowed me to feel that and I have craved that feeling all my life till then and after but it was temporary , this feeling is fixed in my heart forever. That's were we will start tom. God bless your journey:)

Thursday, September 4, 2014


First of all have u ever found yourself talking to yourself? That's how you talk to God . Everyone does it God allows us to so we know we know how.matthew7.7 this is where my journey began. I asked God one day, I say ask because that's what you do if you have a question ask Him, anyway I asked God to help me understand the bible. I tried but I felt like I was just reading words and it felt like I knew there was more but I didn't know how to get it. The bible was not just wrote for the pope or my pastor it was wrote for me too and I wanted to understand. I was drawn to it. A few days or so later this scripture popped in my head. I sat there and pondered. Ask , ask , ask . It was a question I told myself then I felt I needed a dictionary . I looked up the definition for ask. I know I know what it meant but I had to read it. And then I knew ask was pray . For there I was unstoppable . All I had to do was ask . Ask the right question. If your question is in line with His plan you will receive. If not , like Einstine  once said have you ever repeat something over and over and get same result? Definition of insanity. So when you ask , (pray) think about it is it pure? Is it for Gods glory? You will receive god want to give and he wants you to keep asking ( praying). Seek, means get out your bible the answer is in there. God says be anxious for nothing. So if you ask make sure you find the answer for confermation or we receive the answer when we look for one. If you look you will find the answer . God wants us to use our bible. It was wrote for each one of us. God is amazing He talks to us on our level in our  own language we don't go to his. When I asked God help me understand the bible . When I read he reminds me of a situation in my life that happen so I understand . That's why it's a personal relationship . They are all different he talk in many languages. So pick up you bible seek =study. When you study you find the answer. Knock, this one I looked up in dictionary too . Knock is a verb an action. Knock= do. So after you pray you study then get up and do it. Knock and it will be open for you. So don't question it God says the door will be open. He will make a way for you with no closed doors .He will go before you and prepare a place for you. And having said that I'll pick up there tomorrow . Leave any prayer request in comments I'll pray for ya god bless


What more appropriate place to to start than luke13:22 and He went through the cities and villages,teaching and journeying toward Jerusalem.He is Jesus we know this because it's a capital letter H. Jerusalem is God.He went through cities and villages. Jesus went (through) meaning he completed it He started and finished. Cities and villages is ground where his people are. think about this God created the world ground up. When Jesus went to cities and villages God gave Him solid ground to go through. When we begin to our journey toward God He gives us solid ground to stand on and we finish. Teaching is helping someone understand. So when we choose to lead a holy life God gives us solid ground to stand on and we help others understand Him, and we do this until we are with Him. A few years ago I asked God to help me understand the bible. Since then it has become the only thing I read daily and understand. God comes to us on our level He talks to us in out language our native tongue . He comes to our level we don't have to try to go to His. He gave us the bible and it's meant  to be understood by all. We have to ask. To begin our journey toward God all we have to do is ask. Every day I'm going to pick up where I leave off so that way this blog is lead by God. So tomorrow I'll start with Ask and you shall receive . If you have a prayer request you would like a prayer buddy send me an email thanks God bless us all.