
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Thrive or Survive? The choice is yours!

I recently accepted a managment position at work.  There is a young lady that is clearly not excited about the change in management. Today I fasted in prayer for God to take notice of this situation, and show me a clear perspective from His point of view. Seeing things from His view is seeing others from the inside out. You see why they are behaving a certain way. We believers need to love others enough to set our hurt aside and know when you help another you are helping yourself.
It did not take long for God to show me that  this young lady did not like change of any kind. Through memory God reminds us of things others have said in conversation.  I pieced the puzzle together today. I remember her telling me her parents went through a terrible divorse when she was 13. The change in her family dynamic was a negative one. This undelt with hurt turned her afraid of change.  She has been working for this company for years. The people she works with are her family. Although change in management is business to her its personal.
So what do I do? Well this is when you allow God to drive, I ask God to help ease this transition for her and from this let her see positive in change. Then you let HIM work. I go to work focus on  my job and be the servant HE has raised me to be. And here is the tuff part ,TRUST and WAIT .
My point of telling my story is this...Who are you right now? Are you the new person in the family? Are you the one who doesnt like change? Are you the boss that has to keep peace and put out fires? No matter who you are right now everyone has the best intentions , they want to hold the family together. You are all on the same team now and seeing the "family" profit is everyones goal. No matter which one you are God put you there, and HE wants you to learn and grow from this so that in the future you can help another . We must LIVE and LEARN in order to help. But first of all we must accept the position God put us in.
We all have a choice to thrive in life or survive in life. Thriving is when your needs are second to anothers. Surviving is trying to meet your own needs.
Make your request known to GOD and let HIM drive and all will thrive.

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