As long as I can remember I have always been a perfectionist. When I was twenty four I became a mom for the first time. My desire to become the perfect wife and mother became my soul focus. My passion lead me to becoming relentless . At that time I stopped living in the moment and started living for the next. How could my family fail if I was always one step ahead paving the perfect road?
I have been a wife for seventeen years today and a mother for fourteen. Looking back I remember each spelling bee, test, tryout , game and new job . I have seen many accomplishments but what is perfect? When will I feel I reached it? And more important what really is perfect?
I live in a small town and I see many moms and dads, wives and husbands seeking the same thing. The perfect IMAGE. We all want our husband to be the happiest and most respected, we all want our children to be the most loved ,accepted, and of corse the best at everything. I see others just as relentless as I was to get others to see there family as perfect. WHY?
A few years ago I realized this desire will never feel full .I was paving a road for my family around a town that just went in circles and never straight ahead.
What does perfection mean???
Perfection - A person who refuses to accept any standard short. Synonyms are purist and idealist.
Now I see .....God truely makes His people perfect. I am a servent of the Most High . I refuse to accept for myself or my family anything short . Its time for me to take my family off road now. Paul told the Romans, 12-2 Do not comform to the patters of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. That would be like me standing in the middle of town screaming you dont have to be perfect. Love yourself ,accept and forgive others.
I wanted my families image to be perfect to others but there is nothing pure about WANT. There is nothing ideal or satisfying in a false image to the world.
God says Thou shall not want and thou shall not make false images.
So for the past few years my desire for perfection has changed to say the least. God has renewed my mind by forgiving me of my imperfections and paved a new road for myself and my family. Now I truely desire to show the world love ,acceptance and forgivness that all make up Our Perfect God.
Seek first the kingdom of God and allllllllll esle shall be added unto you.
What does that mean? And how do I seek the kingdom of God? Back to what Paul said to the Romans in 12:2 transformed by the renewing of your mind, that by TESTING you may discern what is the will of God, What is good acceptable and PERFECT>.
Dont be afraid to be yourself ,dont be afraid to accept others it may be the road less chosen full of test, but it is the road that leads to the kingdom of God and Perfect.
Friday, September 18, 2015
Thursday, July 30, 2015
My New Position
I'm new to retail management. I've went straight from an associate to management and for a few months found it hard to find my own way of managing. At first I felt like I was replacing the previous manager so I tried to be like the her. It did not take long before I found myself saying," Im not Andrea!" I am not happy , my numbers are down , and I am not helping the associates or the store . The old mananger was more of a friend to the associate than a mananger and I have a daughter close to their age so I cant be a friend. So I went to work and tried another method. I was a mom not a manager. I was patient, encouraging and understanding. This was a big mistake. First I am not THEIR mom. So associates saw me as a push over. My numbers are still down and Im not helping the store or the associates at all. I am about four months in and I work for a very amazing company that invest in developing and training managment into becoming the leaders they saw we could be in hiring.
I went to a training seminar the other day. I sat in the room with about 30 other new managers in the same boat as myself. As I sat there and listened to our DM patiently and thoughoughly couch us all, I remembered the companies moto. Customers First! This does not mean customers always right, it means people come first. The company truely leads by example , They put us first by training and coaching us to put people first.
Customers First! I know this was first Gods moto. John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only Son. God loved us so much He put us before anything else.
Up till a few years ago I was an associate for God. I worked for Him . It wasnt until as an adult I was born again and was promoted to management for God. He raised and trained me all over again to become the leader for His people He saw I could be.
I know God placed me in this position at work for a reason and I can see a little bit ahead of how I "ANGIE " can manage for this company but why am I struggling to find my personal management style?
Psalms 139 I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
I dont know what is to come of me in this company but for now I will be thankful for my manager who is a great mentor and my company for the training. I am thankful to God because I am fearfully and wonderfully made for any position I hold here on this earth He loves so much.
I went to a training seminar the other day. I sat in the room with about 30 other new managers in the same boat as myself. As I sat there and listened to our DM patiently and thoughoughly couch us all, I remembered the companies moto. Customers First! This does not mean customers always right, it means people come first. The company truely leads by example , They put us first by training and coaching us to put people first.
Customers First! I know this was first Gods moto. John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only Son. God loved us so much He put us before anything else.
Up till a few years ago I was an associate for God. I worked for Him . It wasnt until as an adult I was born again and was promoted to management for God. He raised and trained me all over again to become the leader for His people He saw I could be.
I know God placed me in this position at work for a reason and I can see a little bit ahead of how I "ANGIE " can manage for this company but why am I struggling to find my personal management style?
Psalms 139 I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
I dont know what is to come of me in this company but for now I will be thankful for my manager who is a great mentor and my company for the training. I am thankful to God because I am fearfully and wonderfully made for any position I hold here on this earth He loves so much.
Sunday, June 21, 2015
What does God look like to you?
What does God look like to you? Is He a giant in a golden throne? Is He brighter than the sun?
We all see God every day. God is everywhere and is everything . He is the hope ,trust, faith, patients, compassion,and joy that is in all of us everyday. God is the purest form of love that all of these would not be without .
Can you see Him in everyone . Have you ever heard a child sing and was moved to tears or awe? What about an angry coworker or neighbor ? Can you see Him in them? Of corse you can , He is in them and you. And you can do all things through Christ.
John 11:25
Jesus said noone is dead. He is the life, He is the one that brings back to life. Because you believe you can plant a seed of faith in others. That means noone is without God. God created the heaven and the earth and all things . So God is in everything. He is in the things unseen and unheard and the things seen and heard. He is the awe in the stars, He is the beauty in a friendship, He is the passion in a soldier fighting for freedom, He is the compassion in forgivness. He is the spirit in missionaries free to spread the WORD. He is the love of a mother for her child, He is the joy in helping another. He is the peace that calms the soul, He is the faith in our prayers, He is the strength in us to keep going. He is the fire in us to speak truth. He is the rain that waters the earth, He is the rock of which we all stand on, He is the movement in the wind, He is the light in the sun , He is the nurishment in the food we eat. He is the oxygen for our lungs.He is the beat in our heart.He is the Free in freewill. God Is everywhere and everything. God is love for us .
Psalms 37:4
God said He will grant our every desire. That is because He is our every desire. We do not desire cars, mansions, and money the flesh does. We desire faith ,hope and love and these are God.
As I write this artical I can see what He looks like more and more, but one question comes to my mind.
What do I look like to Him?
Do I look worth God's only son? . Do I look like the prince of peace that passed the tourch to me from the cross? Do I look like the child facing her giants with Gods aim? Do I look like the girl Esther was ,out of love for her people? Do I look like the men willing to go in the firey furnace for Gods purpose? Do I look like the person that could part the sea for others freedom?
I humbly with tears in my eyes and confidence in my heart say yes. WE all look like these to God. God created us in His image , the same image He created His son .That image is love. God knows the power that love is, the power that He is and what He is capable of through us.
Do we? . Jesus mission was to show us the power of God ( love) . Jesus knew what God (LOVE) was capable and planted that seed in others heart. Was it Esther that help free the Jews? Was it David that killed the giant? Was it Moses that parted the sea?
No, it was LOVE. The pure power of Gods love that is freedom. .Jesus passed that tourch to us to finish planting the seeds of LOVE and bring life to others. Jesus was capable of performing miracles for others to know God , so are you. Love is a cure for all things. We can love others because He first loved us. We can help others because He first helped us. We can teach, motivate, encourage, inspire hope for others. Are these things not a miracle to another? You have to see Him and know the power of love through HIM. You can see Him in an angery coworker or neighbor because the power of love is the power of God. And like God love has no limit.
To me God looks like LOVE!!!!!
God is love
Love is patient .Love is kind. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes,always perserveres. Love never fails.
We all see God every day. God is everywhere and is everything . He is the hope ,trust, faith, patients, compassion,and joy that is in all of us everyday. God is the purest form of love that all of these would not be without .
Can you see Him in everyone . Have you ever heard a child sing and was moved to tears or awe? What about an angry coworker or neighbor ? Can you see Him in them? Of corse you can , He is in them and you. And you can do all things through Christ.
John 11:25
Jesus said noone is dead. He is the life, He is the one that brings back to life. Because you believe you can plant a seed of faith in others. That means noone is without God. God created the heaven and the earth and all things . So God is in everything. He is in the things unseen and unheard and the things seen and heard. He is the awe in the stars, He is the beauty in a friendship, He is the passion in a soldier fighting for freedom, He is the compassion in forgivness. He is the spirit in missionaries free to spread the WORD. He is the love of a mother for her child, He is the joy in helping another. He is the peace that calms the soul, He is the faith in our prayers, He is the strength in us to keep going. He is the fire in us to speak truth. He is the rain that waters the earth, He is the rock of which we all stand on, He is the movement in the wind, He is the light in the sun , He is the nurishment in the food we eat. He is the oxygen for our lungs.He is the beat in our heart.He is the Free in freewill. God Is everywhere and everything. God is love for us .
Psalms 37:4
God said He will grant our every desire. That is because He is our every desire. We do not desire cars, mansions, and money the flesh does. We desire faith ,hope and love and these are God.
As I write this artical I can see what He looks like more and more, but one question comes to my mind.
What do I look like to Him?
Do I look worth God's only son? . Do I look like the prince of peace that passed the tourch to me from the cross? Do I look like the child facing her giants with Gods aim? Do I look like the girl Esther was ,out of love for her people? Do I look like the men willing to go in the firey furnace for Gods purpose? Do I look like the person that could part the sea for others freedom?
I humbly with tears in my eyes and confidence in my heart say yes. WE all look like these to God. God created us in His image , the same image He created His son .That image is love. God knows the power that love is, the power that He is and what He is capable of through us.
Do we? . Jesus mission was to show us the power of God ( love) . Jesus knew what God (LOVE) was capable and planted that seed in others heart. Was it Esther that help free the Jews? Was it David that killed the giant? Was it Moses that parted the sea?
No, it was LOVE. The pure power of Gods love that is freedom. .Jesus passed that tourch to us to finish planting the seeds of LOVE and bring life to others. Jesus was capable of performing miracles for others to know God , so are you. Love is a cure for all things. We can love others because He first loved us. We can help others because He first helped us. We can teach, motivate, encourage, inspire hope for others. Are these things not a miracle to another? You have to see Him and know the power of love through HIM. You can see Him in an angery coworker or neighbor because the power of love is the power of God. And like God love has no limit.
To me God looks like LOVE!!!!!
God is love
Love is patient .Love is kind. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes,always perserveres. Love never fails.
Monday, May 25, 2015
Completly Free
God created us in His image .We are the only thing He created with a soul to love Him back. Unlike animal who live on instinct, God created us like Him with ability of choice.
We all have free will. The situation will happen, its Gods plan, but we have a choice to go through it with Him or without Him. Without God you will HIT road blocks, traffic jams, detours, and react out of fear and short term pleasure ,like an animal on earth. With Him you will SEE road blocks, detours,and traffic jams clearly and see a reason why .
Jeremiah 29:11 I know the plans I have for you ,the plans to prospere and of hope.
God has a completly free will ,free of fear .God is free to love and help others with no fear of concequences. Can you imagine living that free ?What could you do different if you could be free?More like what could you not do?Would you be able to face your giants? Would you be able to part the see for others to have freedom as well? Would you be able to give your life for another ? He created us with the same freedom as Himself.
I hear people use the words free will in a negative way. "Free will sucks -" It only sucks when you do not use it, when you choose to live in the world as an amimal living on instics for yourself to profit and survive. A Free will is freedom to thrive in this world and a heart to help others do the same.
God is good and fair and free will is the greatest gift He gave us . He gave us the freedom to choose so we could know the freedom of Jesus Christ . If we did not have the freedom to accept and choose a life in Jesus we would be not different than animals .
When you activate your free will by making a choice to see
your life in scripure you see free will is one will.
After 13 years of being a stay at home mom I decided to re-enter the work force, to help make ends meat at home. I started working for a well known retail company sweeping floors a few hours a week for 8 dollars an hour. I knew I could be part of helping the comany and my family profit if I gave 100 percent of me to them.. When you help others you help yourself..The better I was at my job the more hours my boss gave me. The more obedient I was the more responsiblity she gave me. In four short months I found myself interviewing for a managers job. With no business knowledge or reseme' I got the job. My boss later told me I got the job because I have something that you do not get with a business degree, I understand the bottom line. PROFIT. When you help others , everyone profits.
When Jesus met Peter he said "Follow me . I will make you a fisher of men. "He didnt want Peter to spend his life trying to catch fish to survive . He wanted Peter to teach others to fish to thrive. Jesus choose Gods will and choose to live His life for the profit of others. He knew where He was going and said follow me. He wanted peter to choose the same.
God said I know the plans I have for you .The plans to prosper and hope.
If you want to enjoy life , follow Him . The more obedient you are to God the more responsiblity He gives you.
Excepting free will is the understanding of ONE will, Gods will.
When the decibles ask Jesus how do we pray? Jesus said," Our father who art in heaven hallow be thy name. Thy kingdom come Thy WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.
Dear god , I praise you , I serve you now and forever.Amen.
One heart , one will, one purpose. What would you give to have that kind of freedom on earth? Jesus already gave His life for you too. Except HIM and you will see .
We all have free will. The situation will happen, its Gods plan, but we have a choice to go through it with Him or without Him. Without God you will HIT road blocks, traffic jams, detours, and react out of fear and short term pleasure ,like an animal on earth. With Him you will SEE road blocks, detours,and traffic jams clearly and see a reason why .
Jeremiah 29:11 I know the plans I have for you ,the plans to prospere and of hope.
God has a completly free will ,free of fear .God is free to love and help others with no fear of concequences. Can you imagine living that free ?What could you do different if you could be free?More like what could you not do?Would you be able to face your giants? Would you be able to part the see for others to have freedom as well? Would you be able to give your life for another ? He created us with the same freedom as Himself.
I hear people use the words free will in a negative way. "Free will sucks -" It only sucks when you do not use it, when you choose to live in the world as an amimal living on instics for yourself to profit and survive. A Free will is freedom to thrive in this world and a heart to help others do the same.
God is good and fair and free will is the greatest gift He gave us . He gave us the freedom to choose so we could know the freedom of Jesus Christ . If we did not have the freedom to accept and choose a life in Jesus we would be not different than animals .
When you activate your free will by making a choice to see
your life in scripure you see free will is one will.
After 13 years of being a stay at home mom I decided to re-enter the work force, to help make ends meat at home. I started working for a well known retail company sweeping floors a few hours a week for 8 dollars an hour. I knew I could be part of helping the comany and my family profit if I gave 100 percent of me to them.. When you help others you help yourself..The better I was at my job the more hours my boss gave me. The more obedient I was the more responsiblity she gave me. In four short months I found myself interviewing for a managers job. With no business knowledge or reseme' I got the job. My boss later told me I got the job because I have something that you do not get with a business degree, I understand the bottom line. PROFIT. When you help others , everyone profits.
When Jesus met Peter he said "Follow me . I will make you a fisher of men. "He didnt want Peter to spend his life trying to catch fish to survive . He wanted Peter to teach others to fish to thrive. Jesus choose Gods will and choose to live His life for the profit of others. He knew where He was going and said follow me. He wanted peter to choose the same.
God said I know the plans I have for you .The plans to prosper and hope.
If you want to enjoy life , follow Him . The more obedient you are to God the more responsiblity He gives you.
Excepting free will is the understanding of ONE will, Gods will.
When the decibles ask Jesus how do we pray? Jesus said," Our father who art in heaven hallow be thy name. Thy kingdom come Thy WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.
Dear god , I praise you , I serve you now and forever.Amen.
One heart , one will, one purpose. What would you give to have that kind of freedom on earth? Jesus already gave His life for you too. Except HIM and you will see .
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Thrive or Survive? The choice is yours!
I recently accepted a managment position at work. There is a young lady that is clearly not excited about the change in management. Today I fasted in prayer for God to take notice of this situation, and show me a clear perspective from His point of view. Seeing things from His view is seeing others from the inside out. You see why they are behaving a certain way. We believers need to love others enough to set our hurt aside and know when you help another you are helping yourself.
It did not take long for God to show me that this young lady did not like change of any kind. Through memory God reminds us of things others have said in conversation. I pieced the puzzle together today. I remember her telling me her parents went through a terrible divorse when she was 13. The change in her family dynamic was a negative one. This undelt with hurt turned her afraid of change. She has been working for this company for years. The people she works with are her family. Although change in management is business to her its personal.
So what do I do? Well this is when you allow God to drive, I ask God to help ease this transition for her and from this let her see positive in change. Then you let HIM work. I go to work focus on my job and be the servant HE has raised me to be. And here is the tuff part ,TRUST and WAIT .
My point of telling my story is this...Who are you right now? Are you the new person in the family? Are you the one who doesnt like change? Are you the boss that has to keep peace and put out fires? No matter who you are right now everyone has the best intentions , they want to hold the family together. You are all on the same team now and seeing the "family" profit is everyones goal. No matter which one you are God put you there, and HE wants you to learn and grow from this so that in the future you can help another . We must LIVE and LEARN in order to help. But first of all we must accept the position God put us in.
We all have a choice to thrive in life or survive in life. Thriving is when your needs are second to anothers. Surviving is trying to meet your own needs.
Make your request known to GOD and let HIM drive and all will thrive.
It did not take long for God to show me that this young lady did not like change of any kind. Through memory God reminds us of things others have said in conversation. I pieced the puzzle together today. I remember her telling me her parents went through a terrible divorse when she was 13. The change in her family dynamic was a negative one. This undelt with hurt turned her afraid of change. She has been working for this company for years. The people she works with are her family. Although change in management is business to her its personal.
So what do I do? Well this is when you allow God to drive, I ask God to help ease this transition for her and from this let her see positive in change. Then you let HIM work. I go to work focus on my job and be the servant HE has raised me to be. And here is the tuff part ,TRUST and WAIT .
My point of telling my story is this...Who are you right now? Are you the new person in the family? Are you the one who doesnt like change? Are you the boss that has to keep peace and put out fires? No matter who you are right now everyone has the best intentions , they want to hold the family together. You are all on the same team now and seeing the "family" profit is everyones goal. No matter which one you are God put you there, and HE wants you to learn and grow from this so that in the future you can help another . We must LIVE and LEARN in order to help. But first of all we must accept the position God put us in.
We all have a choice to thrive in life or survive in life. Thriving is when your needs are second to anothers. Surviving is trying to meet your own needs.
Make your request known to GOD and let HIM drive and all will thrive.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Who Peed in Their Cheerios?
Hello all, My 13 year old Olivia wrote here first blog. I have wrote about Olivia in many of my blogs and posts and thought it might be cool if my friends got a chance to hear from her. She will be starting her own teen christian blog and writing to hopefully comfort other teens with issues of today. Hope you all enjoy and encourage her she is spirit led and God approved.
If you've ever been in highschool, you've probably heard the phrase "Who peed in their cheerios?'
If you've ever been in highschool, you've probably heard the phrase "Who peed in their cheerios?'
Not many people know this, but there's a lot of truth behind it.
Have you ever been bullied? I know I have. In fact, I've been bullied by the same girl for roughly 5 years. I'm not sure when it all started, but I know it was bullying, & I know that it wasn't right. This girl would isolate other classmates & myself from our groups of friends. She wanted just ONE friend, never more, never less. She would only use them when she needed them, then just drop them when she was done with them. Does this sound familiar? Satan has done the exact same thing.
Most of the time, it isn't YOU that has done anything wrong. Usually, it has to do with the bullies home or family environment, not yours. Someone peed in their cheerios.
It wasn't until my mother signed me up for self defense classes, that I realized I didn't have to put up with this. That I could defend myself. Not with violence, but with the way I carry myself. With confidence, kindness, honesty, & just the right amount of integrity. God doesn't want you to be inconsiderate & judgemental, but he doesn't want you to be a bump on a log, either. There are times when you have to stand up for yourself. Not with violence or ruefulness, but with truth & understanding.
It took me 5 years to stand up to my bully, but when I did, it was healing, so I know it was the truth.
You may not know this either, but Jesus himself was bullied. Throughout his whole life, he was constantly being bullied. & every single time, he told the truth. He stood up to the bully in the most perfect way possible. He wasn't rude or judgemental when he talked to his bullies. He was honest & truthful when he dealt with them. He asked them to prove Him wrong. Even when he was nailed to the cross, even when he was publically humiliated & harasses & tortured, he didn't resort to rudeness or vulger. He asked God to forgive them.
Jesus knew that the bullies didn't know any better. In the 21st century, when people do something wrong, like bullying, they usually don't know any better. Maybe they were raised being bullied, so they think thats how they have to treat everyone. Or maybe they just want something you have, & have no way to get it, so they're ruled by jealousy.
Everything we have or are going to go through, Jesus has already gone through, as well as many others. If you ever find yourself being a target of bulying, think of this scripture:
Ephesians 4:29
"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such a is good for building up, as it fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear."
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
My black and white world.....
How well do you know the scripture,"" All things are possible through Christ who strengthens me. ??? How often do you practice it???
If you know this scripture well then you know "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be open" must be understood, believed and practiced in order to see the grace and favor in the first scripture.
What a bold statement, All things are possible!!! Big miracles are given to those who dream, believe and do big things for God. God said all things are possible, ALL.
Lately I look around and see people praying and dreaming big , but not doing big things in faith. We are not entitled to answered prayers just because just because we believe in God. Jesus believed in God but he did not sit around praying, he did big things to show his faith. Jesus went out of his comfort zone and was fully dependant on God to pull him through each step of his life. In order to experience the full power of "ALL thing are possible", you must know Jesus was our example to FOLLOW. Because he stepped out of his comfort zone for us, we can through his strength do the same thing.
Did you know Jesus sweat blood the night before He was crucified. When we have anxiety we go to the doctor and get a pill, Jesus went to God in prayer and God helped Him face His fear.
If you want a better marriage, you must tell God what you want for your marriage(ASK)
Be relentless in your search for a way to get it. (SEEK)
Here's the tuff one, Do what you need to do (KNOCK)
God helps those who help themselves. God makes a way for those who seek a way .
Do you raise your children to be dependant on you for the rest of their life? Do you do everything for them all the time? Or do you teach them what your doing and why so they can do it on their own? Do you want your children to grow up to be confident and free?
So does God!!!God want us to know all things are possible through christ . Do not fear the world. Jesus showed us we can do anything we want but we must get up and do what we want done. All the words in the bible were written for us to follow not just read and pray, they are for us to stand on holy ground and claim. Those words are instructions for freedom.
Jesus said I am the way the truth and the light. So we must know his ways, see his ways, and do his ways.
How well do I know the scripture all things are possible through Christ? Well, once I overcame my fear of being rejected by the world and stepped out of my comfort zone and saw that God was teaching me how to be comfortable in Him in uncomfortable times, then I stopped seeing the world in color and saw the world in black and white. I don't see a lot of colorful options I see two . I see Hope and Fear .I see them everyday in all people around me. Hope gives and fear takes. Now that I see the light I address others accordingly. I either encourage or motivate others in the right direction. Sometimes its not easy and most of the time I sacrifice my feelings but, it is ALL possible through Christ.
If you know this scripture well then you know "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be open" must be understood, believed and practiced in order to see the grace and favor in the first scripture.
What a bold statement, All things are possible!!! Big miracles are given to those who dream, believe and do big things for God. God said all things are possible, ALL.
Lately I look around and see people praying and dreaming big , but not doing big things in faith. We are not entitled to answered prayers just because just because we believe in God. Jesus believed in God but he did not sit around praying, he did big things to show his faith. Jesus went out of his comfort zone and was fully dependant on God to pull him through each step of his life. In order to experience the full power of "ALL thing are possible", you must know Jesus was our example to FOLLOW. Because he stepped out of his comfort zone for us, we can through his strength do the same thing.
Did you know Jesus sweat blood the night before He was crucified. When we have anxiety we go to the doctor and get a pill, Jesus went to God in prayer and God helped Him face His fear.
If you want a better marriage, you must tell God what you want for your marriage(ASK)
Be relentless in your search for a way to get it. (SEEK)
Here's the tuff one, Do what you need to do (KNOCK)
God helps those who help themselves. God makes a way for those who seek a way .
Do you raise your children to be dependant on you for the rest of their life? Do you do everything for them all the time? Or do you teach them what your doing and why so they can do it on their own? Do you want your children to grow up to be confident and free?
So does God!!!God want us to know all things are possible through christ . Do not fear the world. Jesus showed us we can do anything we want but we must get up and do what we want done. All the words in the bible were written for us to follow not just read and pray, they are for us to stand on holy ground and claim. Those words are instructions for freedom.
Jesus said I am the way the truth and the light. So we must know his ways, see his ways, and do his ways.
How well do I know the scripture all things are possible through Christ? Well, once I overcame my fear of being rejected by the world and stepped out of my comfort zone and saw that God was teaching me how to be comfortable in Him in uncomfortable times, then I stopped seeing the world in color and saw the world in black and white. I don't see a lot of colorful options I see two . I see Hope and Fear .I see them everyday in all people around me. Hope gives and fear takes. Now that I see the light I address others accordingly. I either encourage or motivate others in the right direction. Sometimes its not easy and most of the time I sacrifice my feelings but, it is ALL possible through Christ.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
The Passing Of The Torch.....
Have you heard the saying ,"There are too many cooks in the kitchen?"
When God looked down on Earth and saw (too many cooks in the kitchen)total chaos, He knew He needed to intervene and make a change. He sent Jesus and Jesus was the intervention , the change.
Jesus taught us how to take total chaos(desires of the flesh ) and use a perfect blend of grace and truth (fruits of the spirit)and make a difference.
John 14:6 "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"
John 14:6 "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"
When there is a lack of compassion ,show them compassion. When there is a need for truth ,speak truth. When someone is mean show kindness, when someone is prideful be humble. Where you see a lack of something teach it by showing it to another, over and over until they get it.
Jesus showed us how to be relentless for another in our teaching. They literally had to nail Jesus to the cross to stop Him from teaching . Even there on the cross He was still teaching .He taught us to pass the torch.
We believers are called to be leaders and shepherds of our own flock of followers ,but good leaders are great teachers.
We believers are called to be leaders and shepherds of our own flock of followers ,but good leaders are great teachers.
Jesus knew when He was on the cross His love and passion for God was taught for the profit of God and His people. He trained others to take on His job and become leaders. He knew He was a change, and knew it was time for us to be a change.
There are times when it seems there are too many cook in the kitchen around us, there are times we feel like we are up against a giant, there are times we feel we need to part the waters for Gods people ,there are times we see things need to change in order to get better. Don't be afraid. God sent Jesus to show us that because of what Jesus did for us, in faith we can do now . Do the things you ask God to change in prayer. Prayer is not a question it is the answer for God to use you to intervene. Allow the gift Jesus left in you (Holy Spirit ) to lead you to make the difference.
Matthew 7:7 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be open"
. Use the passion God gives you about something and the passion in your heart to show God Jesus life was worthwhile and you understand His teaching and training . Teach others the right way to live. Be proud to be the change in others lives and get ready to pass the torch Christ passed to you.
There are times when it seems there are too many cook in the kitchen around us, there are times we feel like we are up against a giant, there are times we feel we need to part the waters for Gods people ,there are times we see things need to change in order to get better. Don't be afraid. God sent Jesus to show us that because of what Jesus did for us, in faith we can do now . Do the things you ask God to change in prayer. Prayer is not a question it is the answer for God to use you to intervene. Allow the gift Jesus left in you (Holy Spirit ) to lead you to make the difference.
Matthew 7:7 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be open"
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Cast you burden as bait reel in love beyond measure.
My daughter has been preparing for an intense competition. I have invested all of me into helping her prepare for this for the past year. I do this out of selfless love so Olivia can enjoy her life. The competition is now a few hours away and to say I am nervous is an understatement. When Olivia comes to me with nerves and anxiety, I take it in myself and give to her encouragement and praise, so she can enjoy the experience and perform with confidence. . I feel like I am carrying the weight ,stress, and anxiety so she can just have the experience. I know the stakes are high and the consequences . I also know what she can do when she is driven without doubt.
God knows what we are capable of when we do not have doubt.
Psalms 55:22 Cast your burdens to the Lord, and He will sustain you; He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.
As parents we do this all the time for our children, when they are in a spelling bee, when they tryout for a sport, anxiety is a part of life and a part of our kids lives and we do the best we can to protect them from the feeling of anxiety. We do not want our children to be afraid, distracted and have doubt in themselves. If I could I would use my own body as a shield to protect her from this. Olivia trusts me . She knows I am on her side and no matter what happens .Olivia is dependent on me emotionally, financially, physically spiritually every way because she is young. God wants us to know ,He knows how we feel for our children because He feels the same for You His child. God does not want His child to be burdened , go to Him repent , give Him your worries because He can handle it and He want s you to enjoy life. God said cast your burden to the Him . Every time you doubt Him your reeling them back in. Cast your burden out with confidence ,knowing prayer is the answer. Know that prayer is asking God to intervene.
If Olivia came to me with her anxiety and worries, she comes seeking comfort and I make sure she knows she is not alone and I'm going to do all I can to help her. The comfort and confidence I give her strengths her.
That is exactly how God wants us to come to Him. Like a child seeking comfort, and confident knowing He is doing all He can to help.
Matthew 18:3 "I tell you the truth , unless you turn from your sin and become like little children, you will never get into the kingdom of heaven."
I can take all the hardship from Olivia and give her hope. Because I understand I've been there and her problems, although seem big to her, I see them all working out if she perserveres .My happiness is in seeing her happy .Loving her with unconditional ,selfless true love and her feeling that love at the end of the day is all that matters.
Empathy: ability to understand and share the feeling of another.
We are able to feel for others because of love.
When Olivia comes to me with her burdens she is weak vulnerable , in need, this strengthens me . What I mean is you make my baby cry you better watch out. I become driven with passion and fire.
Have you ever had a child say someone was mean to them? Has anyone ever made your child cry or afraid or hurt? What happens inside you when your baby comes to you with her stress? Do you not take it personal ?
2 Corinthians 12:9 "My grace is all you need.My power works best in weakness " So now I will boast about my weakness, so that the power of Christ can work through me.
After your child comes to you ,you grab your baby and hug them and remind them someone will have to go through you to ever hurt her and seriously mean it. You have so much inner strength because your baby is relying on you . you could probably move a mountain or fight an army ,whatever it takes . Olivia can rest assure I will take care of her.
We can feel this Love because God first loves us .
Knowing all this I can go to God with my worries, burdens,weakness that I deal with as a wife and mother ,the burdens I carry for my family I take them to God. Although I want to make all things right for them ,I am humanly flawed and weak.I can not make make all things right. God always makes a negative a positive.God only makes all things right.So I am proud to take my families burdens to God to make right ,I can strengthen God by saying I am sorry I need help.I want to tell you whats bothering me .I would rather work through this with you than without you.
When I learned I could enjoy being dependent on God .I found joy on earth like nothing I have ever known. I am blessed, chosen,adopted,favored, and forgiven.I am protected and loved. Just like I can carry the afflictions for Olivia just so she can enjoy life, God does the same for me.
God wants us to know , It does not matter what you have done , It does not matter how big the task, He knows the outcome .The burden , the worry ,the sin does not matter it does not change His love for you .Loving you is all that matters. you are His child and when you bring your problem to Him He takes it personal and He is strengthened and driven by passion and love for you. You can rest now , know that what seems big to you is small to Him.Know that God can only make a negative a positive.Know you are blessed,chosen, adopted,favored,forgiven,protected,and loved.
Love is all that matters
God knows what we are capable of when we do not have doubt.
Psalms 55:22 Cast your burdens to the Lord, and He will sustain you; He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.
As parents we do this all the time for our children, when they are in a spelling bee, when they tryout for a sport, anxiety is a part of life and a part of our kids lives and we do the best we can to protect them from the feeling of anxiety. We do not want our children to be afraid, distracted and have doubt in themselves. If I could I would use my own body as a shield to protect her from this. Olivia trusts me . She knows I am on her side and no matter what happens .Olivia is dependent on me emotionally, financially, physically spiritually every way because she is young. God wants us to know ,He knows how we feel for our children because He feels the same for You His child. God does not want His child to be burdened , go to Him repent , give Him your worries because He can handle it and He want s you to enjoy life. God said cast your burden to the Him . Every time you doubt Him your reeling them back in. Cast your burden out with confidence ,knowing prayer is the answer. Know that prayer is asking God to intervene.
If Olivia came to me with her anxiety and worries, she comes seeking comfort and I make sure she knows she is not alone and I'm going to do all I can to help her. The comfort and confidence I give her strengths her.
That is exactly how God wants us to come to Him. Like a child seeking comfort, and confident knowing He is doing all He can to help.
Matthew 18:3 "I tell you the truth , unless you turn from your sin and become like little children, you will never get into the kingdom of heaven."
I can take all the hardship from Olivia and give her hope. Because I understand I've been there and her problems, although seem big to her, I see them all working out if she perserveres .My happiness is in seeing her happy .Loving her with unconditional ,selfless true love and her feeling that love at the end of the day is all that matters.
Empathy: ability to understand and share the feeling of another.
We are able to feel for others because of love.
When Olivia comes to me with her burdens she is weak vulnerable , in need, this strengthens me . What I mean is you make my baby cry you better watch out. I become driven with passion and fire.
Have you ever had a child say someone was mean to them? Has anyone ever made your child cry or afraid or hurt? What happens inside you when your baby comes to you with her stress? Do you not take it personal ?
2 Corinthians 12:9 "My grace is all you need.My power works best in weakness " So now I will boast about my weakness, so that the power of Christ can work through me.
After your child comes to you ,you grab your baby and hug them and remind them someone will have to go through you to ever hurt her and seriously mean it. You have so much inner strength because your baby is relying on you . you could probably move a mountain or fight an army ,whatever it takes . Olivia can rest assure I will take care of her.
We can feel this Love because God first loves us .
Knowing all this I can go to God with my worries, burdens,weakness that I deal with as a wife and mother ,the burdens I carry for my family I take them to God. Although I want to make all things right for them ,I am humanly flawed and weak.I can not make make all things right. God always makes a negative a positive.God only makes all things right.So I am proud to take my families burdens to God to make right ,I can strengthen God by saying I am sorry I need help.I want to tell you whats bothering me .I would rather work through this with you than without you.
When I learned I could enjoy being dependent on God .I found joy on earth like nothing I have ever known. I am blessed, chosen,adopted,favored, and forgiven.I am protected and loved. Just like I can carry the afflictions for Olivia just so she can enjoy life, God does the same for me.
God wants us to know , It does not matter what you have done , It does not matter how big the task, He knows the outcome .The burden , the worry ,the sin does not matter it does not change His love for you .Loving you is all that matters. you are His child and when you bring your problem to Him He takes it personal and He is strengthened and driven by passion and love for you. You can rest now , know that what seems big to you is small to Him.Know that God can only make a negative a positive.Know you are blessed,chosen, adopted,favored,forgiven,protected,and loved.
Love is all that matters
Saturday, February 28, 2015
20 Questions with God!!!
I play 20 questions every day with God. There IS a difference between prayer and asking God questions. I ask God questions all day every day just because I like to spend time getting to know Him and I enjoy His company.
John 14:13 You can ask anything in my name , so that the father may be glorified in the Son.
You CAN ask God anything , just like He is on the other end of a phone. If you could ask Him anything , why wouldn't you? Asking Him is spending time getting to know Him, being in His presents . This is everything!!!God created all of us to enjoy and love and I enjoy and love my days more when I am in His presents. I never have a bad day unless I do not make Him a part of it. Every day is good and worthwhile when I am learning with Him.
Ask and you shall receive... how do we receive if you do not ask?
There is no foolish question . I ask God anything I think of , all day everyday."God , did David ever have a difficult sheep?" to "Am I making straight paths for you ?" No dumb question !
Hunter (my son) went through a common phase when he was little asking WHY WHY WHY about everything .When we would answer each question he would question the answer and this is still going on. This is exactly how I have played 20 questions with God though out my life. I desire to know His ways. I think the reason I never tire of this game is because God answers me in my language my way of understanding. Just as I try to answer Hunter. Simply! He always gives more than just an answer. He gives understanding( Knowledge)!
Asking God question brought us closer together. It changed prayer for me.
I am a hairdresser. I went to school and learned by written and hands on training. Before I received my license I had to take a state board. I had to pass this in order to become what I desired. I was prepared for the board because I had all the my questions answered ahead of time , now I can focus on the task at hand, and nail it.
The more time I spend with God asking questions, when there is a need for prayer, prayer becomes a separate special ability.
Prayer is no longer asking for Gods help it becomes answering a call to help. It becomes the state board.
God calls us His children and His warriors both.
You have to sign up for the military,study and train for years, asking questions and learning.Then you are told about a special forces training you should do. On day you get word you are needed for a special mission to protect your people and you have one target one shot one kill. You have a choice kill the enemy and come home or he kills you .You are a focused warriors relying on God and your training.
That is what prayer has become for me after years of asking question.
When I get the request for prayer or see a need for prayer ,I go from a child asking questions to a soldier going for an answer. I have an assignment to take the enemy out .Need is my target. I have my sheep and my heart to protect and I have the enemy in my cross hairs. I rely only on God and His training.
I feel like David a boy at battle against the giant Goliath. Everyone may see Goliath as a giant and myself as a child, but size is no obstical , like David I see a target. I know what I need ,5 smooth stones( need for God to interveen and I am prepared to claim it again and again, because I will not surrender to doubt.) and what I do not need ,a bunch of armor (a bunch of questions and doubt weighing me down) What I see instead of a giant problem is Gods promises. When David killed the giant that was not the end, when we break a strong hold or (quit a bad habbit)there will be temptation near. After David killed the giant he stood near him ,pulled out Goliath's own sword and cut his head off. When temptation comes rearing its ugly head cut it off by eliminating the need or desire of fear and doubt from your heart forever.
When Abraham put Issac on the alter , he surrendered to Gods will and believed Gods promises , he did not hesitate or take Issac off with doubt. When you ask God a question He answers you in your tongue ,when you pray pray to God in His tongue His word and promises.
God wants us all to know prayer is not a question prayer is the answer.
Ask and you shall receive... how do we receive if you do not ask?
There is no foolish question . I ask God anything I think of , all day everyday."God , did David ever have a difficult sheep?" to "Am I making straight paths for you ?" No dumb question !
Hunter (my son) went through a common phase when he was little asking WHY WHY WHY about everything .When we would answer each question he would question the answer and this is still going on. This is exactly how I have played 20 questions with God though out my life. I desire to know His ways. I think the reason I never tire of this game is because God answers me in my language my way of understanding. Just as I try to answer Hunter. Simply! He always gives more than just an answer. He gives understanding( Knowledge)!
Asking God question brought us closer together. It changed prayer for me.
I am a hairdresser. I went to school and learned by written and hands on training. Before I received my license I had to take a state board. I had to pass this in order to become what I desired. I was prepared for the board because I had all the my questions answered ahead of time , now I can focus on the task at hand, and nail it.
The more time I spend with God asking questions, when there is a need for prayer, prayer becomes a separate special ability.
Prayer is no longer asking for Gods help it becomes answering a call to help. It becomes the state board.
God calls us His children and His warriors both.
You have to sign up for the military,study and train for years, asking questions and learning.Then you are told about a special forces training you should do. On day you get word you are needed for a special mission to protect your people and you have one target one shot one kill. You have a choice kill the enemy and come home or he kills you .You are a focused warriors relying on God and your training.
That is what prayer has become for me after years of asking question.
When I get the request for prayer or see a need for prayer ,I go from a child asking questions to a soldier going for an answer. I have an assignment to take the enemy out .Need is my target. I have my sheep and my heart to protect and I have the enemy in my cross hairs. I rely only on God and His training.
I feel like David a boy at battle against the giant Goliath. Everyone may see Goliath as a giant and myself as a child, but size is no obstical , like David I see a target. I know what I need ,5 smooth stones( need for God to interveen and I am prepared to claim it again and again, because I will not surrender to doubt.) and what I do not need ,a bunch of armor (a bunch of questions and doubt weighing me down) What I see instead of a giant problem is Gods promises. When David killed the giant that was not the end, when we break a strong hold or (quit a bad habbit)there will be temptation near. After David killed the giant he stood near him ,pulled out Goliath's own sword and cut his head off. When temptation comes rearing its ugly head cut it off by eliminating the need or desire of fear and doubt from your heart forever.
When Abraham put Issac on the alter , he surrendered to Gods will and believed Gods promises , he did not hesitate or take Issac off with doubt. When you ask God a question He answers you in your tongue ,when you pray pray to God in His tongue His word and promises.
God wants us all to know prayer is not a question prayer is the answer.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
How did David deal with " Difficult Sheep"????
Have you been faced with difficult people in your life and feel like your not getting any better at dealing with them?
Do not be afraid! Romans 8:31 ...If God is for us who can stand against us?
Avoiding confrontation and difficult people is not what we are called to do. If Jesus avoided confrontation and difficult people where would we be now?
We are called to protect truth , show grace by encouraging difficult people to see the truth for themselves.
Have you ever had someone say "I told you so?"
Isaiah 40:3 "In the wilderness prepare the way for the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God.
Make a way for the Lord!!!! Not people.
You cant go around telling everyone do this don't do that to protect them. If you do , what happens? It falls on deaf ears and you end up saying I told you so. We all have to WANT to see truth. Difficult people want truth too ,that's why there fighting . They just need a hint not the answer.
What did Jesus do? After all God knew we all needed a hint so He sent Jesus for an example of How to love Him and others.
John 8.7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them.,"Let any one of you who is without sin be the first t throw a stone at her."
Jesus did not lash back at them! He waited and listened to them with His heart . Did they really want him to answer, NO! Did they need Him to answer? YES!
What I learned was just because I can see the truth does not mean others are ready to hear it. What they are willing to see is compassion , they let the guard down and its easier to help them .
Jesus did not avoid them, he did not walk away either .
He realized they needed a hint . He showed compassion!!!!He didn't teach a lesson on compassion. He saw a lack of something and showed it to them . He showed compassion and helped them all see right from wrong.
He basically asked them a question that led them to think for themselves..
Luke 5:23 Which is easier to say,"Your sins are forgiven,"or say"Get up and walk?"
Jesus again asked an honest question that made people think for themselves.
We can simply motivate people in the right direction by asking questions that lead to the truth.
Did God ever let Jesus look like a fool? He made him look like the Prince of Peace.
Like David we are called to be shepherds of our own flock of sheep. Did David get to choose his sheep?Who ever God brings in and out ,and in and out of our lives are our very own sheep.
Do you think David ever had a stubborn sheep that wanted to stray off? Well , I'm going to say yes otherwise they would not need a shepherd.
David knew he was watching his fathers sheep.
God chooses who and why each person passes through our lives, basically He is calling you to be their shepherd.
David knew each one. God picked your sheep for you. He trusted them with you to know , protect and shepherd.
David was a good shepherd . He did not go around picking sheep up and putting them in a cage to protect them. He did not go out in the field and play on his phone and wait till it was time to go home.
He fought a bear and a lion to protect them. He knew the sheep were important to his father and he was willing to risk his life for the sheep that strayed.
Sound familiar? It should !!
What did Jesus do for us?
I cant stress enough how crucial and fulfilling it is to let God teach you how to deal with difficult people.
Jesus gave his life for difficult people. We are all have our moments.
When Jesus left us He passed on a gift. The Holy Spirit.
So we can have him with us always . So we can deal with difficulties.
How can we really be appreciate and know the holy spirit if we do not in faith let Him lead us from temptation and deliver us from evil.
If God is for us ,Jesus is in us, and the holy spirit is leading us ?!?! Who can stand against us????
David was first a BOY shepherd then a KING shepherd.
How did a boy eventually become the king ?He knew his shepherd and his shepherd knew him. They had an unbreakable relationship .They spent Davids whole life on earth together.
Jesus spent His whole life on earth together with God .They have an unbreakable relationship. We must spend time with God building an unbreakable relationship in order to LOVE.
When I was learning this lesson it was difficult for me. I was a stubborn sheep. I tended to stay off looking for a purpose. It was difficult because there was no purpose.God had no motive for creating me except to share love.God created man in His image. We are the only thing He created with a soul able to love Him back. Agape! No motives behinds your love for each other.Agape is the cup overflowing .Its so much love it flows over to humanity.
Take( I) out of everything you do for others and people are no longer difficult.
Do not be afraid! Romans 8:31 ...If God is for us who can stand against us?
Avoiding confrontation and difficult people is not what we are called to do. If Jesus avoided confrontation and difficult people where would we be now?
We are called to protect truth , show grace by encouraging difficult people to see the truth for themselves.
Have you ever had someone say "I told you so?"
Isaiah 40:3 "In the wilderness prepare the way for the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God.
Make a way for the Lord!!!! Not people.
You cant go around telling everyone do this don't do that to protect them. If you do , what happens? It falls on deaf ears and you end up saying I told you so. We all have to WANT to see truth. Difficult people want truth too ,that's why there fighting . They just need a hint not the answer.
What did Jesus do? After all God knew we all needed a hint so He sent Jesus for an example of How to love Him and others.
John 8.7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them.,"Let any one of you who is without sin be the first t throw a stone at her."
Jesus did not lash back at them! He waited and listened to them with His heart . Did they really want him to answer, NO! Did they need Him to answer? YES!
What I learned was just because I can see the truth does not mean others are ready to hear it. What they are willing to see is compassion , they let the guard down and its easier to help them .
Jesus did not avoid them, he did not walk away either .
He realized they needed a hint . He showed compassion!!!!He didn't teach a lesson on compassion. He saw a lack of something and showed it to them . He showed compassion and helped them all see right from wrong.
He basically asked them a question that led them to think for themselves..
Luke 5:23 Which is easier to say,"Your sins are forgiven,"or say"Get up and walk?"
Jesus again asked an honest question that made people think for themselves.
We can simply motivate people in the right direction by asking questions that lead to the truth.
Did God ever let Jesus look like a fool? He made him look like the Prince of Peace.
Like David we are called to be shepherds of our own flock of sheep. Did David get to choose his sheep?Who ever God brings in and out ,and in and out of our lives are our very own sheep.
Do you think David ever had a stubborn sheep that wanted to stray off? Well , I'm going to say yes otherwise they would not need a shepherd.
David knew he was watching his fathers sheep.
God chooses who and why each person passes through our lives, basically He is calling you to be their shepherd.
David knew each one. God picked your sheep for you. He trusted them with you to know , protect and shepherd.
David was a good shepherd . He did not go around picking sheep up and putting them in a cage to protect them. He did not go out in the field and play on his phone and wait till it was time to go home.
He fought a bear and a lion to protect them. He knew the sheep were important to his father and he was willing to risk his life for the sheep that strayed.
Sound familiar? It should !!
What did Jesus do for us?
I cant stress enough how crucial and fulfilling it is to let God teach you how to deal with difficult people.
Jesus gave his life for difficult people. We are all have our moments.
When Jesus left us He passed on a gift. The Holy Spirit.
So we can have him with us always . So we can deal with difficulties.
How can we really be appreciate and know the holy spirit if we do not in faith let Him lead us from temptation and deliver us from evil.
If God is for us ,Jesus is in us, and the holy spirit is leading us ?!?! Who can stand against us????
David was first a BOY shepherd then a KING shepherd.
How did a boy eventually become the king ?He knew his shepherd and his shepherd knew him. They had an unbreakable relationship .They spent Davids whole life on earth together.
Jesus spent His whole life on earth together with God .They have an unbreakable relationship. We must spend time with God building an unbreakable relationship in order to LOVE.
When I was learning this lesson it was difficult for me. I was a stubborn sheep. I tended to stay off looking for a purpose. It was difficult because there was no purpose.God had no motive for creating me except to share love.God created man in His image. We are the only thing He created with a soul able to love Him back. Agape! No motives behinds your love for each other.Agape is the cup overflowing .Its so much love it flows over to humanity.
Take( I) out of everything you do for others and people are no longer difficult.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Agape -Just Because
My kids asked me who my favorite was or who I love more? I remember asking my parents the same question at their age. My answer was the same as my parents ,I love you both the same .I do right? I had to think about that one. The love is the same I love them both to the max.
I love hunters determination .To Hunter( NO) is just a detour. I love Hunters humility. Hunters pride is in making others feel good. I do not know how God made someone like him come from me.
I love Olivia's inner strength. Olivia is a young lady of her word. Her yes is yes and no is no. She does not lead you on or beat around the bush . She always seems confident in any choice she makes and it does not matter if you agree , she knows its her choice and yours is your and respects that. If God said "Angie I am going to let you make your own daughter, you are in charge of hair color, strengths, height, etc." I know if I had all my life on earth and I had access to every personal trait known to human kind there is no way someone like me could have made someone like her. He did it perfectly and beyond what I deserve. Someday I think I should get both my kids DNA checked. Just kidding!
There are different traits I love in them, but the love I feel is the same.
There are four types of love describes in the bible. I have read, studied and asked God many questions about each one. What I wondered first about was why four?!?! I wanted to know why not just one? All love comes from God , but each is as different as Olivia and Hunter are. To say one is more important than another is like saying you love one quality about God more than another. He could have just had one but He loves us so much when He made each of us and put so much passion into each cell of our DNA. I mean after all each one of us make up the body of Christ don't you think when He was making His one and only son He was going to do it perfectly? He really had all the time ,not that he needs it . He has access to every trait of human kind and when He made of us he did not make one mistake . "We are fearfully and wonderfully made"he knew His love was a lot to understand so He broke it down into four ways for us to use for order in our life.
Eros : Husband and wife
My love for Kel is different than the love I have for our kids ,but the love comes from the same place .I love Kel as much as i can but our love serves a different purpose and need.
Philia : Friendships
I have friends, I even have different groups of friends. I have casual, close, spiritual, etc. I do not love one friend more than another ,I do not place one friendship higher than another. I love each of my friends equally. They all serve a different purpose, that I need. I do not love my husband more than my best friend. We can not compare one love to another. It would be like trying to compare my love for my kids.
Storg: Family
This is love you feel for mother, sister ,brother ,father. Again ,I love my mom but not more than my dad. I love and need them differently. There are different types of love, but there are different needs .All love comes from the same place .
Agape: I call this Just Because Love
Agape means selfless, unconditional,sacrificial love.
God says," Love is patient and love is kind. "Why is it?
Why does God love us? Why does God answer our needs/prayers?
Is He worried about going to heaven or hell? NO! Does God do so much for us because He has to answer to someone some day?Why did He make us? Do you think if God helps us He makes more money or will get a promotion or will have more friends . God does not have motives behind His love for us. Agape is when we do not either.
I spend a lot of time with God, mostly asking questions just because I want to know Him. When I feel closest to God I'm not working for charity or at church I'm usually at home talking to Him while I'm cleaning.
God shows us This love through Jesus. Jesus showed us how to love God back by giving Him your life.
I already did that .I'm already His so I do not have to prove anything to Him .I can just be obedient and spend the rest of my life serving Him JUST BECAUSE. There are no motives behind why I love Him. He does not have to make me rich or famous He does not have to grant me anything .I'm content with just spending time with Him knowing, I'm not alone in this crazy world.
I want to be a reflection of His love so I love the people in my life just because God made them perfectly and beyond what I deserve.
There are four types of love each for a different purpose. God wants us to understand He can love each of us to the max .Equally , just like I do my kids. But we all serve a different need and purpose for Him. Our purpose here is just because God needed each of us to love. Not to do great things .He can do great things. (through us)Just because He want to share true love with each of us. That is why I want to share that love and be obedient now . We are already His !Rejoice!Love God just because through Jesus we can.
I love hunters determination .To Hunter( NO) is just a detour. I love Hunters humility. Hunters pride is in making others feel good. I do not know how God made someone like him come from me.
I love Olivia's inner strength. Olivia is a young lady of her word. Her yes is yes and no is no. She does not lead you on or beat around the bush . She always seems confident in any choice she makes and it does not matter if you agree , she knows its her choice and yours is your and respects that. If God said "Angie I am going to let you make your own daughter, you are in charge of hair color, strengths, height, etc." I know if I had all my life on earth and I had access to every personal trait known to human kind there is no way someone like me could have made someone like her. He did it perfectly and beyond what I deserve. Someday I think I should get both my kids DNA checked. Just kidding!
There are different traits I love in them, but the love I feel is the same.
There are four types of love describes in the bible. I have read, studied and asked God many questions about each one. What I wondered first about was why four?!?! I wanted to know why not just one? All love comes from God , but each is as different as Olivia and Hunter are. To say one is more important than another is like saying you love one quality about God more than another. He could have just had one but He loves us so much when He made each of us and put so much passion into each cell of our DNA. I mean after all each one of us make up the body of Christ don't you think when He was making His one and only son He was going to do it perfectly? He really had all the time ,not that he needs it . He has access to every trait of human kind and when He made of us he did not make one mistake . "We are fearfully and wonderfully made"he knew His love was a lot to understand so He broke it down into four ways for us to use for order in our life.
Eros : Husband and wife
My love for Kel is different than the love I have for our kids ,but the love comes from the same place .I love Kel as much as i can but our love serves a different purpose and need.
Philia : Friendships
I have friends, I even have different groups of friends. I have casual, close, spiritual, etc. I do not love one friend more than another ,I do not place one friendship higher than another. I love each of my friends equally. They all serve a different purpose, that I need. I do not love my husband more than my best friend. We can not compare one love to another. It would be like trying to compare my love for my kids.
Storg: Family
This is love you feel for mother, sister ,brother ,father. Again ,I love my mom but not more than my dad. I love and need them differently. There are different types of love, but there are different needs .All love comes from the same place .
Agape: I call this Just Because Love
Agape means selfless, unconditional,sacrificial love.
God says," Love is patient and love is kind. "Why is it?
Why does God love us? Why does God answer our needs/prayers?
Is He worried about going to heaven or hell? NO! Does God do so much for us because He has to answer to someone some day?Why did He make us? Do you think if God helps us He makes more money or will get a promotion or will have more friends . God does not have motives behind His love for us. Agape is when we do not either.
I spend a lot of time with God, mostly asking questions just because I want to know Him. When I feel closest to God I'm not working for charity or at church I'm usually at home talking to Him while I'm cleaning.
God shows us This love through Jesus. Jesus showed us how to love God back by giving Him your life.
I already did that .I'm already His so I do not have to prove anything to Him .I can just be obedient and spend the rest of my life serving Him JUST BECAUSE. There are no motives behind why I love Him. He does not have to make me rich or famous He does not have to grant me anything .I'm content with just spending time with Him knowing, I'm not alone in this crazy world.
I want to be a reflection of His love so I love the people in my life just because God made them perfectly and beyond what I deserve.
There are four types of love each for a different purpose. God wants us to understand He can love each of us to the max .Equally , just like I do my kids. But we all serve a different need and purpose for Him. Our purpose here is just because God needed each of us to love. Not to do great things .He can do great things. (through us)Just because He want to share true love with each of us. That is why I want to share that love and be obedient now . We are already His !Rejoice!Love God just because through Jesus we can.
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Love Is A Cure.....
With Valentines Day we hear a lot about love.
LOVE-noun-an intense feeling of deep affection
This is Websters definition of love. We all use this word everyday but how many times do we say it with this definition in mind? I tell my kids I love you 50 times a day and I do mean it with the definition in mind. Every time God writes about His love for us in the bible He meant it too.
When Olivia has a bad day at school and comes home and tells me about it, I give her a hug , I hold her and tell her I love Her. The intense feeling of deep affection (mixed) with touch was healing to her.
Love-1 Corinthians 13:4.Love is patient,Love is kind.
This is Holy Bible definition of Love. Patient and kind are adjectives not nouns.
The world has its definition of love but God uses an adjective to modify a noun or describe it.
1 Corinthians 13 4-7 Love is patient , love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered , it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects,always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
God goes in great detail to explain to us what He is and what He is not. Then He gave us Jesus in that love.
Its like God saying I love you and giving us a hug. He's holding us now.
It became a cure!!!!
I had a stomach ache and went to the doctor, the doctor told me what was wrong and gave me medicine and I took it and I was healed. What if I went to the doctor and he told me what was wrong and sent me home? What if I went to the doctor he told me what was wrong and gave me medicine and I did not take it?
I have to take the medicine to be healed. I have to do something. I have to reconize there is a problem , I have to seek help, I have to physically take the medicine.
Matthew 7:7 Ask and it shall be given unto you, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be open to you.
Ask, Seek, Knock are all verbs. They are actions.
The words in the bible are words. They need to be put to action. God want us to know through Jesus we can do the words in the bible we ask Him to do for us in prayer.
Phillipians 3:16 All things are possible through Christ who strengthens me.
All the words in the bible God wrote are possible for us to do through the power of Jesus in us.
Mark 12:30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.
Again God describes love is more than a feeling or a word. We have to use our heart ,mind, soul, and strength all of which are possible for us to DO through Jesus.
We all went to the the one and only true doctor because we were sick.(God)
He wrote us a prescription(bible)
We took the medicine(Jesus)
Love was the cure.
John 13:34-35 A new commandment I give you: Love one another .As I have loved you ,so you must love one another . By this everyone will know you are my disciples,if you love one another.
Love one another as I love you. God did more than just say the words I love you , He defined them . He showed us how much when He sent Jesus. Jesus showed us how to love God, But first God loved us. He loved us so much He Gave us His only son. He gave us a way to love others the way He loves us. When we love each other as He loves us, we become a direct vessle of healing . We can show others the medicine (Jesus) and the cure Love.
This may be Valentines weekend but God does not want us to wait to show love. He wants us to spread Love to each other everyday of our life in the things we do for another. God shared love with us for healing, share it with each other. Love is the cure.
LOVE-noun-an intense feeling of deep affection
This is Websters definition of love. We all use this word everyday but how many times do we say it with this definition in mind? I tell my kids I love you 50 times a day and I do mean it with the definition in mind. Every time God writes about His love for us in the bible He meant it too.
When Olivia has a bad day at school and comes home and tells me about it, I give her a hug , I hold her and tell her I love Her. The intense feeling of deep affection (mixed) with touch was healing to her.
Love-1 Corinthians 13:4.Love is patient,Love is kind.
This is Holy Bible definition of Love. Patient and kind are adjectives not nouns.
The world has its definition of love but God uses an adjective to modify a noun or describe it.
1 Corinthians 13 4-7 Love is patient , love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered , it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects,always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
God goes in great detail to explain to us what He is and what He is not. Then He gave us Jesus in that love.
Its like God saying I love you and giving us a hug. He's holding us now.
It became a cure!!!!
I had a stomach ache and went to the doctor, the doctor told me what was wrong and gave me medicine and I took it and I was healed. What if I went to the doctor and he told me what was wrong and sent me home? What if I went to the doctor he told me what was wrong and gave me medicine and I did not take it?
I have to take the medicine to be healed. I have to do something. I have to reconize there is a problem , I have to seek help, I have to physically take the medicine.
Matthew 7:7 Ask and it shall be given unto you, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be open to you.
Ask, Seek, Knock are all verbs. They are actions.
The words in the bible are words. They need to be put to action. God want us to know through Jesus we can do the words in the bible we ask Him to do for us in prayer.
Phillipians 3:16 All things are possible through Christ who strengthens me.
All the words in the bible God wrote are possible for us to do through the power of Jesus in us.
Mark 12:30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.
Again God describes love is more than a feeling or a word. We have to use our heart ,mind, soul, and strength all of which are possible for us to DO through Jesus.
We all went to the the one and only true doctor because we were sick.(God)
He wrote us a prescription(bible)
We took the medicine(Jesus)
Love was the cure.
John 13:34-35 A new commandment I give you: Love one another .As I have loved you ,so you must love one another . By this everyone will know you are my disciples,if you love one another.
Love one another as I love you. God did more than just say the words I love you , He defined them . He showed us how much when He sent Jesus. Jesus showed us how to love God, But first God loved us. He loved us so much He Gave us His only son. He gave us a way to love others the way He loves us. When we love each other as He loves us, we become a direct vessle of healing . We can show others the medicine (Jesus) and the cure Love.
This may be Valentines weekend but God does not want us to wait to show love. He wants us to spread Love to each other everyday of our life in the things we do for another. God shared love with us for healing, share it with each other. Love is the cure.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Ask, Seek ,Knock, In Order!!!!
I really wanted to clean the garage one day. I knew it was a big job . I woke up one day went to basement and started cleaning. I was right it was a big job . It took twice as long as I had planned and it was twice as hard as I thought it would be. I was exhausted when I was done. I told my husband what I did and he said,"Why didnt you ask me for help?". Why did I not ask? I did not want to wait till he could help, and I thought I could just do it myself . We all think like this everyday. We think we can just do something ourselves and we do not need to ask for help. The truth is we can do things ourselves but it does take longer and is harder and in the end there is no enjoyment it feels like a chore. They feel like chores because we do it the hard way, how do we take everyday chores and turn them into enjoying our life as God intended? We need to stop thinking , we can just do something and we do not need to ask for help. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens me but how can He strengthen us if we do not ask?
ASK and you shall receive.......
My son lost his shoe the other day. I heard him yell,"Mom , can you find my shoe?" I could have just stopped washing dishes and went to find his shoe but, I knew the shoe was in the house and he was capable of doing what he asked me to do. FIND the shoe. So I said,"Hunter, did you look under your bed? By the door? etc. I ran through a few ideas to help him while he was looking himself until I heard,"Found it!" I wanted Hunter to learn to he could get up and do exactly what he depended on me to do, all the while I was helping him in the right direction. We all do this every day in prayer, we ask God for something we need, God wants us to know in faith get up and go find the answer , he will be there to guide us in the right direction the whole time but he wants to teach us through him we can do what we ask him to do.
SEEK and you shall find.....
My daughter is finishing her first year at cheerleading. As you know at times this squad has its ups and downs. We have had girls quit , we have won competitions and lost them. We have had agreements and disagreements. But now at the end of the season these girls have ironed out the wrinkles ,excepted their differences, learned to love each other, and finally are in sink. I wanted to plan a special day for the girls to congratulate them on a big finish. I text some moms and as I am making plans I always have the moms and girls in mind. I am thinking about them and what they would like after all this is for them not me. I am excited and for the next week I will plan food, snacks, drinks etc. All week Ill be preparing for a day to spend with them to celebrate them. I told them Friday after school be at the cabin we rented. So I am expecting to see them at 3 pm at the cabin. I 'll be waiting there getting things ready until I hear the knock at the door .Ill then yell loud with excitement"The door is open" There is a reason God wrote this scripture in this order.
KNOCK and the door will be open.....
If we ask God for help in all we do instead of thinking we can do it on our own, and in faith get up and seek out a way to do what he says to do, and know he is guiding our way until we say Found it, then we get to celebrate with him . He has planned a celebration for each of us, he is expecting us. Our journey through each lesson or season or stronghold we take with him there is a celebration in the end. We just have to ask for help, seek for a way to iron out the wrinkles , and know when its over the door to Christs heart is open and he wants celebrate your journey with you.
ASK and you shall receive.......
My son lost his shoe the other day. I heard him yell,"Mom , can you find my shoe?" I could have just stopped washing dishes and went to find his shoe but, I knew the shoe was in the house and he was capable of doing what he asked me to do. FIND the shoe. So I said,"Hunter, did you look under your bed? By the door? etc. I ran through a few ideas to help him while he was looking himself until I heard,"Found it!" I wanted Hunter to learn to he could get up and do exactly what he depended on me to do, all the while I was helping him in the right direction. We all do this every day in prayer, we ask God for something we need, God wants us to know in faith get up and go find the answer , he will be there to guide us in the right direction the whole time but he wants to teach us through him we can do what we ask him to do.
SEEK and you shall find.....
My daughter is finishing her first year at cheerleading. As you know at times this squad has its ups and downs. We have had girls quit , we have won competitions and lost them. We have had agreements and disagreements. But now at the end of the season these girls have ironed out the wrinkles ,excepted their differences, learned to love each other, and finally are in sink. I wanted to plan a special day for the girls to congratulate them on a big finish. I text some moms and as I am making plans I always have the moms and girls in mind. I am thinking about them and what they would like after all this is for them not me. I am excited and for the next week I will plan food, snacks, drinks etc. All week Ill be preparing for a day to spend with them to celebrate them. I told them Friday after school be at the cabin we rented. So I am expecting to see them at 3 pm at the cabin. I 'll be waiting there getting things ready until I hear the knock at the door .Ill then yell loud with excitement"The door is open" There is a reason God wrote this scripture in this order.
KNOCK and the door will be open.....
If we ask God for help in all we do instead of thinking we can do it on our own, and in faith get up and seek out a way to do what he says to do, and know he is guiding our way until we say Found it, then we get to celebrate with him . He has planned a celebration for each of us, he is expecting us. Our journey through each lesson or season or stronghold we take with him there is a celebration in the end. We just have to ask for help, seek for a way to iron out the wrinkles , and know when its over the door to Christs heart is open and he wants celebrate your journey with you.
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Born and Raised.....
Up until about 4 years ago I did not truely understand the phrase born again christian. Before I expienced this I counted myself as blessed because I have been a christian all my life .There was never a moment in my life I didnt know God. I was born into a christian family and raised by a woman who truely loves the Lord. My mother did her job, she told us about Jesus, took us to church,and taught us to pray about everything. She gave me the greatest gift a person can give another, a christian foundation. The foundation is the base and how I go about building my own person relationship was then up to me. My true understanding was when I felt a foundation is not enough, I wanted walls, doors and a roof. I wanted walls to protect me against the enemy ,I wanted doors open to me to find rest in the Lord, I wanted a roof so I knew the Lord was with me and not out of reach. This was when my journey , and my understanding of born again christian began.
I stood in my kitchen one afternoon, miserable ,upsest, and lost. I was in my every 30s and had enough of trying to conquer the world. I felt like every step forward I took ,I took four steps backward.I had no idea on an average afternoon when I was truly at my lowest and most vulnerable that afternoon ,that very second was about to become the greatest second of my whole life.That very second my whole life would change and here I was a puddle of tears,kneeling next to my fridge so sad I couldnt even look up to pray so I sat there with my face in my hands and through the crying said ,Jesus,help me.
2 Corinthians 12:9 "My grace is sufficiant for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
I sat there and said Jesus, help me, I cant do this alone. Everything I thought I needed so badly in this world, nothing compares to how bad I need you. I hate this life and where I see it going, I hate living this life trying not to need you, trying to become a mature adult , a productive member of society, pleasing to all,to be independent , this life is a dead end and I am at the that end. I want a doover. I want to start over and do this life right, not by the world by you, I want to need you, I want to be dependent on you, to be pleasing to you. Please Lord , hear me I want you to take this badly broken heart and teach it to love again,take my eyes and show them to see good, take my mind and clear it,let me see truth. Reboot me!Amen.
Job 42:5-6 I have heard of you by hearning of the ear:But now my eyes see you "Therefore I retract, And I repent into dust and ashes.
I had no Idea that day I would live to understand how Job felt and what he meant but at that moment I did. I stood up wiped my face and prepared for shift change. It was about 2 pm and I was about to go from homemaker to mom in 1 hour when the kids got off the bus. That day I was born again.
Isaiah 35:8 And a highway will be there;it will be called the Way of Holiness,it will be for those who walk on the Way. The unclean will not journey on it; wicked fools will not go about it.
Matthew 7:14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few will find it.
Luke 13:24 Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you ,will try to enter and will not be able.
Matthew .Luke, and Isaiah all encourage us to be born again in Christ. They encourage us to learn to become completely dependent on God.
It was not easy, for the next 5 years I had to rely on God to help me perservere,. I had to overcome strong hold after stronghold, I had to break link by link of the chain that binds me to the world, each one harder than the last but I was all in. I did not want to quit and never looked back , fear of turning to a pillar of salt. I was focused and I knew in my heart this was a marathon and I saw His face at the end and kept running.
There will always be more to let go of and more to overcome but eventually you are aware that the holy spirit is the one running beside you, you are not alone anymore , He and all his powers are now alive and controlling everything around you , the road, the finish line , the bi- standers , fellow runners etc.
Galatians 5:16 So I say walk by the spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.
God really wants us to walk by Him.
He wants us to be born to Him and each stronghold ,trial , lesson he leads us through is Him raising us to be like Jesus.
All I can do now is what my mom did through love introduce another to God ,and pray their foundation will be laid.
Isaiah 35:8 And a highway will be there;it will be called the Way of Holiness,it will be for those who walk on the Way. The unclean will not journey on it; wicked fools will not go about it.
Matthew 7:14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few will find it.
Luke 13:24 Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you ,will try to enter and will not be able.
Matthew .Luke, and Isaiah all encourage us to be born again in Christ. They encourage us to learn to become completely dependent on God.
It was not easy, for the next 5 years I had to rely on God to help me perservere,. I had to overcome strong hold after stronghold, I had to break link by link of the chain that binds me to the world, each one harder than the last but I was all in. I did not want to quit and never looked back , fear of turning to a pillar of salt. I was focused and I knew in my heart this was a marathon and I saw His face at the end and kept running.
There will always be more to let go of and more to overcome but eventually you are aware that the holy spirit is the one running beside you, you are not alone anymore , He and all his powers are now alive and controlling everything around you , the road, the finish line , the bi- standers , fellow runners etc.
Galatians 5:16 So I say walk by the spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.
God really wants us to walk by Him.
He wants us to be born to Him and each stronghold ,trial , lesson he leads us through is Him raising us to be like Jesus.
All I can do now is what my mom did through love introduce another to God ,and pray their foundation will be laid.
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