
Monday, May 25, 2015

Completly Free

God created us in His image .We are the only thing He created with a soul to love Him back. Unlike animal who live on instinct, God created us like Him with ability of choice.
We all have free will. The situation will happen, its Gods plan, but we have a choice to go through it with Him or without Him. Without God you will HIT road blocks, traffic jams, detours, and react out of fear and short term pleasure ,like an animal on earth. With Him you will SEE road blocks, detours,and traffic jams  clearly and see a reason why .
Jeremiah 29:11 I know the plans I have for you ,the plans to prospere and of hope.
God has a completly free will ,free of fear  .God is free to love and help others with no fear of concequences. Can you imagine living that free ?What could you do different if you could be free?More like what could  you  not do?Would you be able to face your giants? Would you be able to part the see for others to have freedom as well? Would you be able to give your life for another ? He created us with the same freedom as Himself.
I hear people use the words free will in a negative way. "Free will  sucks  -" It only sucks when you do not use it, when you choose to live in the world as an amimal living on instics for yourself to profit and survive. A Free will is freedom to thrive in this world and a heart to help others do the same.
God is good and fair and free will is the greatest gift He gave us . He gave us the freedom to choose so we could know  the freedom of Jesus Christ . If we did not have the freedom to accept and choose a life in Jesus we would be not different than animals .
When you activate your free will by making a choice to see
 your life in scripure you see free will is one will.
After 13 years of being a stay at home mom I decided to re-enter the work force, to help make ends meat at home. I started working for a well known retail company sweeping floors a few hours a week for 8 dollars an hour. I knew I could be part of helping the comany and my family profit if I gave  100 percent of me to them.. When you help others you help yourself..The better I was at my job the more hours my boss gave me. The more obedient I was the more responsiblity she gave me. In four short months I found myself interviewing for a managers job. With no business knowledge or reseme' I got the job. My boss later told me I got the job because I have something that you do not  get with a  business degree, I understand the bottom line. PROFIT. When you help others , everyone profits.
When Jesus met Peter he said "Follow me . I will make you a fisher of men. "He didnt want Peter to spend his life trying to catch fish to survive .  He wanted Peter to teach others to fish to thrive. Jesus choose Gods will  and choose to live His life for the profit of others. He knew where He was going and said follow me. He wanted peter to choose the same.
God said I know the plans I have for you .The plans to prosper and hope.
If you want to enjoy life , follow Him . The more obedient you are to God the more responsiblity He gives you.
Excepting  free will is the  understanding  of ONE will, Gods will.
When the decibles ask Jesus how do we pray? Jesus said," Our father who art in heaven hallow be thy name. Thy kingdom come Thy WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.
Dear god , I praise you , I serve you now and forever.Amen.
One heart , one will, one purpose. What would you  give to have that kind of freedom on earth? Jesus already gave His life for you too. Except HIM and you will see .

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