
Sunday, February 1, 2015

Ask, Seek ,Knock, In Order!!!!

I really wanted to clean the garage one day. I knew it was a big job . I woke up one day went to basement and started cleaning. I was right it was a big job . It took twice as long  as I had planned and it was twice as hard as I thought it would be. I was exhausted when I was done. I told my husband what I did and he said,"Why didnt you ask me for help?". Why did I not ask? I did not  want to wait till he could help, and I thought I could just do it myself . We all think like this everyday. We think we can just do something ourselves and we do not need to ask for help. The truth is we can do things ourselves but it does take longer and is harder and in the end there is no enjoyment it feels like a chore. They feel like chores because we do it the hard way, how do we take everyday chores and turn them into enjoying our life as God intended? We need to stop thinking , we can just do something and we do not need to ask for help. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens me but how can He strengthen us if we do not ask?
ASK and you shall receive.......
My son lost his shoe the other day. I heard him yell,"Mom , can you find my shoe?" I could have just stopped washing dishes and went to find his shoe  but, I knew the shoe was in the house and he was capable of doing what he asked me to do. FIND the shoe. So I said,"Hunter, did you look under your bed? By the door? etc. I ran through a few ideas to help him while he was looking himself until I heard,"Found it!" I wanted Hunter to learn to he could get up and do exactly what he depended on me to do, all the while I was helping him in the right direction. We all do this every day in prayer, we ask God for something we need,  God wants us to know in faith get up and go find the answer , he will be there to guide  us in the right direction the whole time but he wants to teach us through him  we can do what we ask him to do.
SEEK and you shall find.....
My daughter is finishing her first year at cheerleading. As you know at times this squad has its ups and downs. We have had girls quit , we have won competitions and lost them. We have had agreements and disagreements. But now at the end of the season these girls have ironed out the wrinkles ,excepted their differences, learned to love each other, and finally are in sink. I wanted to plan a special day for the girls to congratulate them on a big finish. I text some moms and as I am making plans I always have the moms and girls in mind. I am thinking about them and what they would like after all this is for them not me. I am excited and for the next week I will plan food, snacks, drinks etc. All week Ill be preparing for a day to spend with them to celebrate them. I told them Friday after school be at the cabin we rented. So I am expecting to see them at 3 pm at the cabin. I 'll be waiting there getting things ready until I hear the knock at the door .Ill then yell loud with excitement"The door is open" There is a reason God wrote this scripture in this order.
KNOCK and the door will be open.....
If we ask God for help in all we do instead of thinking we can do it on our own, and in faith get up and seek out a way to do what he says to do, and know he is guiding our way until we say Found it, then we get to celebrate with him . He has planned a celebration for each of us, he is expecting us. Our journey through each lesson or season or stronghold we take with him there is a celebration in the end. We just have to ask for help, seek for a way to iron out the wrinkles , and know when its over the door to Christs heart is open and he wants celebrate your journey with you.

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