
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Who Peed in Their Cheerios?

Hello all, My 13 year old Olivia wrote here first blog. I have wrote about Olivia in many of my blogs and posts and thought it might be cool if my friends got a chance to hear from her. She will be starting her own teen christian blog and writing to hopefully comfort other teens with issues of today. Hope you all enjoy and encourage her she is spirit led and God approved.
If you've ever been in highschool, you've probably heard the phrase "Who peed in their cheerios?'
Not many people know this, but there's a lot of truth behind it. 
Have you ever been bullied? I know I have. In fact, I've been bullied by the same girl for roughly 5 years. I'm not sure when it all started, but I know it was bullying, & I know that it wasn't right. This girl would isolate other classmates & myself from our groups of friends. She wanted just ONE friend, never more, never less. She would only use them when she needed them, then just drop them when she was done with them. Does this sound familiar? Satan has done the exact same thing. 
Most of the time, it isn't YOU that has done anything wrong. Usually, it has to do with the bullies home or family environment, not yours. Someone peed in their cheerios.
It wasn't until my mother signed me up for self defense classes, that I realized I didn't have to put up with this. That I could defend myself. Not with violence, but with the way I carry myself. With confidence, kindness, honesty, &  just the right amount of integrity. God doesn't want you to be inconsiderate & judgemental, but he doesn't want you to be a bump on a log, either. There are times when you have to stand up for yourself. Not with violence or ruefulness, but with truth & understanding.
It took me 5 years to stand up to my bully, but when I did, it was healing, so I know it was the truth. 
You may not know this either, but Jesus himself was bullied. Throughout his whole life, he was constantly being bullied. & every single time, he told the truth. He stood up to the bully in the most perfect way possible. He wasn't rude or judgemental when he talked to his bullies. He was honest & truthful when he dealt with them. He asked them to prove Him wrong. Even when he was nailed to the cross, even when he was publically humiliated & harasses & tortured, he didn't resort to rudeness or vulger. He asked God to forgive them. 
Jesus knew that the bullies didn't know any better. In the 21st century, when people do something wrong, like bullying, they usually don't know any better. Maybe they were raised being bullied, so they think thats how they have to treat everyone. Or maybe they just want something you have, & have no way to get it, so they're ruled by jealousy. 
Everything we have or are going to go through, Jesus has already gone through, as well as many others. If you ever find yourself being a target of bulying, think of this scripture:
Ephesians 4:29
"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such a is good for building up, as it fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear."

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

My black and white world.....

How well do you  know the scripture,"" All things are possible through Christ who strengthens me. ??? How often do you practice it???
If you know this scripture well then you know "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be open" must be understood, believed and practiced in order to see the grace and favor in the first scripture.
What a bold statement, All things are possible!!! Big miracles are given to those who dream, believe and do big things for God. God said all things are possible, ALL.
Lately I look around and see people praying  and dreaming big , but not doing big things in faith. We are  not entitled to answered prayers just because just because we believe in God. Jesus believed in God but he did not sit around praying, he did big things to show his faith. Jesus went out of his comfort zone and was fully dependant on God to pull him through each step of his life. In order to experience the full power of "ALL thing are possible", you must know Jesus was our example to FOLLOW. Because he stepped out of his comfort zone for us, we can through his strength do the same thing.
Did you know Jesus sweat blood the night before He was crucified. When we have anxiety we go to the doctor and get a pill, Jesus went to God in prayer and God helped Him face His fear.
If you want a better marriage, you must tell God what you want for your marriage(ASK)
Be relentless in your search for a way to get it. (SEEK)
Here's the tuff one,  Do what you need to do (KNOCK)
God helps those who help themselves. God makes a way for those who seek a way .
Do you raise your children to be dependant on you for the rest of their life? Do you do everything for them all the time? Or do you teach them what your doing and why so they can do it on their own? Do you want your children to grow up to be confident and free?
So does God!!!God want us to know all things are possible through christ .  Do not fear the world. Jesus showed us we can do anything we want but we must get up and do what we want done. All the words in the bible were written for us to follow not  just read and pray, they are for us to stand on holy ground and claim. Those words are instructions for freedom.
Jesus said I am the way the truth  and the light. So we must know his ways, see his ways, and do his ways.
How well do I know the scripture all things are possible through Christ? Well, once I overcame my fear of being rejected by the world and stepped out of my comfort zone and saw that God was teaching me how to be comfortable in Him in uncomfortable times, then I stopped seeing the world in color and saw the world in black and white. I don't see a lot of colorful options I see two . I see Hope and Fear .I see them everyday in all people around me. Hope gives and fear takes. Now that I see the light I address others accordingly. I either encourage or motivate others in the right direction. Sometimes its not easy and most of the time I sacrifice my feelings but, it is ALL possible through Christ.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Passing Of The Torch.....

Have you  heard the saying ,"There are too many cooks in the kitchen?"
 When God looked down on Earth and saw  (too many cooks in the kitchen)total chaos, He knew He needed to intervene and make a change. He sent Jesus and Jesus was the intervention , the change. 
Jesus taught us how to take total chaos(desires of the flesh ) and use a perfect blend of grace and truth (fruits of the spirit)and make a difference.
John 14:6 "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"
 When there is a lack of compassion ,show them compassion. When there is a need for truth ,speak truth. When someone is mean show kindness, when someone is prideful be humble. Where you see a lack of something teach it by showing it to another,  over and over until they get it. 
Jesus showed us how to be relentless for another  in our teaching. They literally had to nail Jesus to the cross to stop Him from teaching . Even there on the cross He was  still  teaching  .He taught us to pass the torch.
We believers are called to be leaders and shepherds of our own flock of followers ,but good leaders are great teachers.
Jesus knew when He was on the cross   His love and passion for God was taught for the profit of God and His people. He trained others to take on His job and become  leaders. He knew He was a change, and knew it was time for us to be a change.
There are times when it seems there are too many cook in the kitchen around us,  there are times we feel like we are up against a giant, there are times we feel we need to part the waters for Gods people ,there are times we see things need to change in order to get better. Don't be afraid. God sent Jesus to show us that because of what Jesus did for us, in faith we can do now . Do the things you ask God to change in prayer. Prayer is not a question it is the answer for God to use you to intervene. Allow the gift Jesus left in you  (Holy Spirit ) to lead you to make the difference.
Matthew 7:7 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be open"
. Use the passion God gives you about something and the passion in your heart to show God Jesus life was worthwhile and you understand His teaching and training  . Teach others the right way to live. Be proud to be the change in others lives and get ready to pass the torch Christ passed to you.